14 Reasons Why You Have Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be caused by occasional problems. But if this happens often, you need to see a dentist quickly, so that he can give you a proper diagnosis.

Have you recently noticed that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? It is an extremely common and frequent phenomenon. If you are not yet affected by this problem, be aware that it can appear at any time.

There are quite a few reasons why gums bleed. But they are usually linked to a lack of oral hygiene.

Our mouth is the gateway to many germs and bacteria, which is why it is recommended to:

  • Periodically change your toothbrush.
  • Use dental floss to remove any residue that gets stuck between the teeth.
  • See a dentist at least twice a year.

Although it may seem perfectly benign, having bleeding gums is not trivial.

If you notice that you are bleeding while chewing food or brushing your teeth, do not take the problem over your leg and pay attention to your health.

It is usually when they are not healthy that the gums bleed. This symptom is likely to reveal something much more serious than a simple weakness. If you do not intervene quickly, you run the risk of losing several teeth.

Find out more about the potential reasons why you have bleeding gums in the rest of this article.

1. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is one of the main causes of bleeding gums and certainly the most common. It is characterized by weakening and inflammation of the gums, caused by an accumulation of dental plaque of bacterial origin.

  • The most effective remedy for this problem is to improve your oral hygiene.

2. Vitamin K deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency can cause bleeding gums. This vitamin is fundamental for the correct functioning of the proteins involved in the blood clotting process.

3. Smoking

smoking bleeding gums

Excessive tobacco consumption is extremely harmful to teeth and can interfere with the effects of various oral treatments that may be prescribed by a dentist.

  • If you smoke, your gums are likely to bleed when you eat hard foods or when you brush your teeth.  

If this problem is present in your daily life, you must take it into consideration immediately because it is a harbinger of future disorders.

4. Age

This factor is unfortunately among those which are relatively inevitable. The older we get, the more our body becomes fragile and therefore the more likely we are to suffer from bleeding gums.

5. Diabetes

If you have diabetes, it’s normal for your gums to bleed, at least to some extent.

Usually, bleeding occurs when you brush your teeth vigorously or with a stiff bristle brush.

  • Brush your teeth gently and use a soft bristle brush. If you have any doubts about the origin of your bleeding, see your dentist.

6. A poor diet

The lack of nutrients necessary for the functioning of our body, such as the absence of important vitamins   can cause weakening of the gums and, consequently, their bleeding.

It is important that you make sure that you include a variety of healthy foods in your diet. If you think your diet is wrong, now is the time to include more fruits and vegetables.

7. Medication

bleeding gum medications

Certain drug treatments can cause bleeding gums in patients who have them.

This is due to bacteria which tend to proliferate due to the decrease in salivation, which is caused by taking certain medications.

  • If you notice that your gums are bleeding regularly and you have just started medication, ask your dentist if these two phenomena may be related.
  • If your dentist confirms this theory, then you can ask your doctor to change the molecule or regulate the prescribed doses.

8. Stress

Even if it may seem incredible, stress can cause weakening of the gums and oral tissues, thus promoting their bleeding, due to a decrease in natural defenses.

The ideal is to find ways to relax yourself when you feel like you are reaching the limits of the bearable.

9. The loss of several teeth

If you have recently lost teeth, you may not be able to chew and chew properly. This causes abnormal friction between food and the gums, which can lead to bleeding.

If you are in this situation, see your dentist for new teeth.

10. A weakening of natural defenses

weakening of the natural defenses of bleeding gums

Our body is attacked by many diseases and can succumb to them when it fails to protect itself properly.

  • Certain health problems, such as anemia, can cause bleeding gums, due to the free growth of certain bacteria.

11. Some negligence

If you do not visit the dentist regularly to check that everything is fine, any problems you are suffering from cannot be caught on time.

  • Seeing a dentist about removing bacterial dental plaque that builds up on your teeth is extremely important to your health.

12. Oral infections

Keep in mind that your saliva is a source of bacteria transmission. Be careful who you kiss, for example, to avoid suffering from bacterial problems, which can lead to inflammation and gum disease.

13. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the likely reasons your gums may bleed. Even if your pregnancy is going well, it inevitably brings about changes in the way your body works. Your doctor is the only one who can explain the measures to take to avoid this phenomenon.

14. Oral treatments

Have you recently had dental treatment and your gums are starting to bleed? This is a common phenomenon, especially if you have just had dentures fitted and they do not fit well to your teeth.

See your dentist quickly to correct his work or ask for a second opinion.

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