3 Delicious Morning Drinks To Have A Flat Stomach!

To lose volume in your abdominal area, you should definitely not fast. Instead, include fat-burning foods and drinks in your breakfast.

One of the main aesthetic concerns for most of us is to shed excess fat that accumulates in the abdomen. Having a flat stomach is not just an aesthetic concern. This problem can indeed lead to serious health problems if we do not deal with it in time.

As fat increases in the abdominal area, the tissues tighten and become inflamed. If this situation becomes chronic, we can develop serious heart pathologies.

We must not forget that abdominal fat will cause an overproduction of cytosines, proteins that contribute to our body’s resistance to insulin.

As you can see, dreaming of having a flat stomach does not have to be a wish purely motivated by the beauty canons of our society.

We have to take care of this part of our body if we want to be healthy.

We will therefore suggest that you start the day with one of the following 3 natural drinks below. As soon as you wake up, you will fight against your abdominal fat to finally have a flat stomach.

1. Mint lemonade for a flat stomach

One of the main reasons that keeps us from losing weight is age. The older we get, the slower our metabolism becomes.

  • In women, menopause further complicates matters. The decrease in estrogen and progesterone means that they tend to accumulate more and more fat in the belly and that it is very difficult to eliminate.
  • But all of this is not final. With a suitable diet, it is possible to get rid of it. Do not hesitate to completely eliminate processed foods from your diet and consume the drink that we are going to present to you to achieve your goal.
  • Thanks to lemon, lukewarm water and mint, you will be able to hydrate yourself and reduce inflammation in the tissues of your abdomen.

The diuretic and depurative effect of this drink, as well as its high content of antioxidants, make it a powerful remedy against accumulated fat.

You will be able to reduce your water retention, speed up your metabolism and promote the elimination of all the toxins accumulated in your body.


  • 1 glass of lukewarm water (200 ml)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A few mint leaves


  • Start by squeezing your lemon to get the juice. Then, using a mortar, pound one or a few mint leaves. By doing this, you will get all the flavor of this plant, as well as all its benefits.
  • Add it to a glass of water with the lemon juice.
  • If your stomach can’t stand the juice of a whole lemon in the morning, use a little less and try increasing the dose gradually.

Starting the day with this drink is a healthy habit that will allow you to shed your belly fat.

2. Cranberry, pineapple and pear juice

This juice is as delicious as it is healthy. The main virtue of this drink when consumed on an empty stomach is to help us regulate our production of cortisol.

As you already know, cortisol is the stress hormone. Some people lose weight more easily when they are stressed or anxious.

Unfortunately, most people experience the opposite situation and gain weight.

  • Cortisol works differently in different organisms, but in most cases it causes a buildup of fat in the abdominal part of the body. This fat is particularly resistant and difficult to eliminate.
  • The association of these three fruits will allow you to fight against this phenomenon.

Pineapple, in addition to helping you regulate the level of cortisol in your blood, will allow you to clean up your digestion and fight your stomach swelling, thanks to its content in bromelain, an enzyme capable of dissolving proteins.

Cranberries, on the other hand, help our body prevent many infections.

If you combine these two fruits with pear, you will obtain an ideal drink to regulate your nervousness and to speed up your metabolism, in order to eliminate the abdominal fat that you have accumulated.


  • 1 pineapple slice (125 g)
  • 10 cranberries
  • 1 pear
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • The first thing to do is to wash all your ingredients well. Peel the pear and cut it into quarters, then also slice the pineapple ring.
  • Put all the ingredients in your blender: cranberries, pineapple and pear. Mix everything well and add a glass of water.

Drink this juice in the morning to increase its effectiveness.

3. A coffee

It might sound surprising, but a good cup of coffee in the morning will help you have a flatter stomach and boost your liver and heart health.

  • It is important to keep in mind that, to benefit from its natural virtues, you should not add white sugar, whole milk or cream.
  • Caffeine is excellent for speeding up the metabolism thanks to the process of thermogenesis that it triggers.
    It helps us burn calories and reduce our hunger pangs and provides us with a high amount of antioxidants.

We’re sure you already have a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Keep in mind that a good coffee in the morning is good for your arteries, for your brain and for eliminating the fat accumulated in your abdominal area.

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