4 Basic Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

If you suffer from scoliosis or want to prevent it, then perform these exercises.

There are exercises to prevent scoliosis that can be combined with braces or surgery. In this article, we suggest some of these exercises to prevent it.

If you do them correctly, you will be able to realign your spine, rib cage, shoulders and pelvis and thus achieve normal posture. However, we advise you to consult your doctor if your symptoms are very serious.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a  disorder of the spine. There is a lateral curvature on it. Most of the population has a curvature less than or equal to 5%. It is not considered pathological. On the other hand, a curvature greater than this figure is.

There are thus  many degrees of scoliosis. In some cases, one can lead a normal life – by following a few guidelines. In other cases, surgery will be necessary.


Scoliosis manifests itself during childhood. It can also appear in adulthood. Today, the exact causes are still unknown. It can occur due to many reasons including genetics, uneven pelvis position, spinal cord surgery, improper knee or foot position, etc.

This condition has a good prognosis in most cases. Improvement depends very much on the timing of detection and the treatment applied. The earlier it is detected, the better it is treated.

Helpful tips to prevent scoliosis

If you are suffering from scoliosis, it is necessary that you are aware of your body, especially the spine. This will  allow you to correct your posture during your daily activities.

  • Practice swimming  : indeed, it is one of the best sports to prevent and treat this condition. Swimming causes axial traction of the entire spine and therefore straightens it
  • Mindfulness: this ancient practice has been shown to be effective in reducing pain
  • Watch your posture every day: when we sit down, at work, when lifting something, etc.
  • Take care when doing physical activity
  • Avoid stress and take care of your health: indeed, stress can worsen the situation
  • Perform regular stretching or muscle strengthening exercises 

Exercises to prevent scoliosis

Before you start performing the exercises to correct or prevent scoliosis, you should know that depending  on the type of spine deviation, special treatment may be needed to correct the problem.

These exercises are particularly  indicated to treat scoliosis before the end of a child’s growth. However, in adults, they can improve the quality of life.

The goal will be to perform these exercises to correct scoliosis 3 times a week. The duration of the exercises will be 20 minutes and all can be done at home.

Pelvic tilt

pelvic tilt to prevent scoliosis

One of the best exercises for people with scoliosis is pelvic tilt. To achieve this, you need to lie on your back and bend your knees. The arms should be at the side of the body.

You need to shift the pressure to the abdominal area to  release the tension from the lower back. Then lift the pelvis upwards with a natural movement. Once the back is straight, hold the position for 5 seconds. Then return to the initial position.

Exercises to prevent scoliosis: leg aligned

Place your hands and knees on the floor. Keep your arms straight and your knees at 90 °. Raise your right leg and left arm at the same time. Then return to the initial position.

Raise your left leg and right arm at the same time. Then return to the initial position. A word of advice: keep the leg and arm raised and aligned with the spine for 10 seconds. Perform 12 repetitions.

The board

the plank to prevent scoliosis

The plank is an exercise that will be very beneficial for the back and the posture. It belongs to the group of isometric exercises. It is thus necessary to keep the muscle tense in a determined position. When we perform the exercise correctly, we see results in the shoulders, abdominals and of course, the back.

Remember that your body should be perfectly straight and parallel to the ground. You don’t have to bend your knees. Also, be careful not to bulge your back.

The cat’s position

This exercise to correct scoliosis  is one of the easiest to do. Place your knees on the floor. Then place your palms on the floor and arms straight. The knees should touch the ground and form a 90 ° angle. Bend your back, trying to tuck your stomach inward.

Slightly stretch the hips forward and tilt the chin towards the chest while inhaling. Look up, squeeze your shoulder blades, and don’t strain your stomach as you breathe out.

The exercises presented here will help you prevent scoliosis. However, if you notice that your back pain is getting worse, it is recommended that you see your doctor. He will tell you what is the best way to treat your illness.

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