4 Natural And Light Drinks To Help You Lose Weight

As we already know, ginger speeds up the metabolism and has thermogenic properties that help us burn fat. Lemon, in addition to providing us with vitamin C, helps reduce adipose reserves.

We are going to offer you drinks for the summer as well as for the winter, but which have the particularity of being light, natural, and which will allow you to help you lose weight in a very healthy way.

These drinks are an ideal way to drink a good amount of water daily, and to provide you with benefits that will allow you to burn fat, boost your metabolism, eliminate water retention, etc.

In this article, therefore, we are going to tell you how to prepare these amazing and delicious drinks in a simple and fast way.

Ginger and stevia lemonade to help you lose weight

This drink is excellent for helping you lose weight.

Lemon is a very cleansing citrus fruit that we should consume daily because of its vitamin C content. This is therefore excellent for health. In addition, it is responsible for improving the assimilation and elimination of fat.

For its part, ginger has the property of boosting the metabolism, which helps us achieve better results as part of a slimming diet.

Finally, add a few drops of stevia extract to this lemonade, which is the most natural and healthy sweetener on the market today.

It reduces glucose levels, which prevents sudden cravings for sugary foods. Perfect to help you lose weight.

The ingredients are as follows: 

  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • A pinch of powdered ginger
  • A few drops of stevia extract, to your liking

You can drink this drink cold or hot.

The watermelon and mint smoothie

We have selected watermelon which is one of the lightest fruits there is. Its high water and fiber content makes it an extremely satiating and refreshing drink. In addition, it will calm your cravings for sweet foods, thanks to its natural sweetness.

On the other hand, the fresh mint will bring a delicious flavor and even more refreshing to this drink. It also has digestive properties, especially useful against fat, which will help you lose weight.

To prepare this drink, mix the watermelon with fresh mint leaves. You can also include the seeds of the watermelon, which will provide beneficial properties for your health.

watermelon and mint smoothie

The spice drink

We go from refreshing drinks to warm comforting drinks. In this case, you will need a basic drink, which can be vegetable milk (oats or rice, for example) or apple juice.

You must boil this drink for about twenty minutes, with spices specially selected for their medicinal properties, and with exquisite flavors.

These spices will provide you with warmth, boost your body’s metabolism, and also help you regulate glucose levels.

It will help you in times when you really feel like eating something sweet. Perfect for to help you lose weight!

The selection of spices for a liter of drink:

  • A slice of fresh ginger
  • Two cinnamon sticks 
  • 5 cardamom seeds
  • 3 star anise
  • A level teaspoon of ground turmeric (8g)

This drink is a real medicinal syrup. You should not drink more than one glass per day.

drink to help you lose weight

Sea water broth

It is another ideal drink for the cold winter days, which will allow you to eliminate the excess fluid in your body, because very often it is not the excess fat which is the culprit of the abdominal swelling, but water retention.

The key to this broth is in seawater, which is sold at herbalists, health food stores and, sometimes, supermarkets.

Seawater allows you to avoid adding table salt, one of the main causes of water retention, and will greatly help your kidney function. In addition, it also has laxative effects, ideal for fighting constipation.

For this broth, use garlic, onion and celery, three very depurative vegetables, ideal to fight against water retention.

If you drink this drink throughout the day, at a rate of one liter per day, you will notice the disappearance of your abdominal swelling, and a marked improvement in the appearance of your skin.

The ingredients for a day:

  • 1 liter of water
  • Glass of sea water (200 ml)
  • Celery (1 branch)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic

Boil the vegetables for twenty minutes and drink the resulting broth on an empty stomach or just before consuming your daily meals.

Images of nerdling, Emmey and Marinate Me Baby

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