5 Great Benefits Of Aloe Vera Gel To Take Care Of Your Skin

In addition to being an excellent moisturizer, Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. For this reason it is an ideal natural product to soothe skin irritations.

We know the benefits of aloe vera gel for the skin because it is a plant that has been used for hundreds of years for a variety of purposes  and has also been studied in the laboratory countless times.

From the fleshy leaves (stems) of the aloe plant, the famous aloe vera gel is extracted, a gelatinous substance with medicinal properties. It is often used topically to hydrate the skin and treat certain skin problems, such as dryness for example.

Aloe vera gel is a simple, natural remedy that we often use at home. We usually apply it on its own but, in some cases, combine it with other natural elements, such as honey.

Here are 5 benefits of aloe vera gel to take care of the skin and improve problems such as dryness, recent acne scars, irritation or minor burns.

Aloe vera gel

aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is a perennial plant common in areas with hot climates. The origin of its use goes back thousands of years thanks to its great ease of cultivation and its many medicinal properties.

This plant has many benefits that come from its high content of enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, mucilage and other components.

  • Aloe vera gel has the advantage of being able to be extracted from its leaves in a simple way and to apply as it is directly to the skin (after having washed it well with water to remove the traces sap, that yellowish substance that covers it).
  • If we don’t have a plant, we can buy Aloe vera gel from pharmacies and herbalists. However, we recommend that you choose a product that is made almost entirely of aloe vera gel. To do this, you must read the label.

The benefits of aloe vera gel for the skin

According to a study published in 2011, “although for many of the beneficial effects of aloe are scientifically proven, it must be recognized that there are still many aspects to study to fully understand the mechanisms of beneficial action of the latter” .

In the popular area, aloe vera gel is often used as a remedy to relieve minor discomfort, moisturize and heal  the  wound  surface (such as scratches, for example, not open wounds, such as those left by a burst acne pimple).

In this regard, the authors of the aforementioned study explain that “part of the mechanisms involved in the recovery of injuries by aloe vera, is due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects”. They also state that the therapeutic effects vary  depending on the variety of aloe and the concentration.

The main benefits of aloe vera gel are the ones that we are going to share in more detail below.

1. Cleanses and fights acne

aloe vera gel

It is said that one of the great benefits of aloe vera gel is that it helps cleanse the skin. Thanks to its enzyme content, it allows for a very gentle exfoliation. This way, you will be able to remove dead cells without drying out your skin.

Besides its cleansing function, Aloe vera gel also contains antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In this way, you will be able to prevent skin infections and fight skin disorders such as acne.

2. Hydrates without greasing

We can not only apply it on the face, but also on the body. It is still necessary to make a clarification: the aloe vera gel, on its own, cannot hydrate the skin (on the contrary, it tends to dry it out). But if we combine it with vegetable oil (like coconut, almond, jojoba, etc.) it can do this, without giving the skin an oily appearance.

3. Calm

Aloe vera may be one of the best remedies for soothing the skin for minor discomfort. Thanks to its phytosterol and emoline content, it   also  stands out for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties  .

For this reason, we should all have a plant within reach or the gel in the medicine cabinet. We can apply the gel to relieve small burns or stings, or as a lotion after waxing and shaving. In addition to soothing irritation, it  also promotes skin regeneration  and gives us a pleasant feeling of freshness.

4. Heals and regenerates

aloe vera gel

It is often said that the most important benefit of aloe vera gel is its ability  to speed up and improve the healing of more recent minor wounds. In fact, many treatments include this gel, along with other ingredients that help regenerate the skin and heal minor superficial wounds, like rosehip oil.

The plant compounds in aloe vera are those that stimulate the growth of skin cells. However, we have to be consistent for it to be effective.

5. Rejuvenates

Aloe vera gel is a substance that “rejuvenates” the skin because it provides some of what it needs to appear fresh. This assumption includes the following elements:

  • Facilitate regeneration. Aloe vera facilitates the constant regeneration of skin cells which helps prevent premature aging.
  • This plant contains many antioxidants that effectively fight damage caused by free radicals.

In the market, there are various creams, serums and related products that contain compounds of aloe vera, vitamin E and Q10, which aim to remove or at least reduce wrinkles.

It is interesting to know that there have also been studies on the anti-aging effect of aloe vera as a dietary supplement.

Making good use of aloe vera gel is essential

Topical use of aloe vera gel does not usually cause discomfort. In some cases (people with sensitive skin, atopic dermatitis or other skin conditions), however, it can cause slight redness, itching and burning. But that’s usually okay. Allergic reactions result from nthraquinones, such as aloin and barbaloin. 

Pay attention to what the dermatologist tells us to avoid using products like this and experiencing unwanted effects.


  • It is not suitable for treating severe burns.
  • Any preparation with this gel should not be used on open wounds as it will cause irritation and delay the healing process.
  • If you are taking corticosteroids, it is best not to apply it (or consume it in drinks and the like), as it can cause unwanted effects.

Before applying aloe vera to the skin, you should do a little test. This involves applying a little gel to an area of ​​sensitive skin (such as the inside of the arm) and leaving it on for half an hour.

If after this period a rash does not appear and there is no itching sensation, we can use aloe. Otherwise, you should immediately discontinue its use and wash the area with plenty of water.

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