5 Habits That Help You Take Care Of Your Dental Health

Regular visits to the dentist as well as brushing and mouthwashes are basic healthy habits for having good dental health and avoiding them. complications.

We all want to put on a beautiful smile. These five habits for good dental health prevent tooth and gum problems.

Good dental health requires consistency. Hygiene involves a series of treatments ranging from an appropriate toothbrush to the use of dental floss and mouthwashes. It is a daily task that cannot be neglected without running the risk of serious illnesses.

Oral diseases

good dental health helps prevent oral disease

The most famous oral diseases are cavities, gingivitis and periodontitis.  Also, broken or darkened teeth, oral thrush, bruxism, oral sores and even cancer. These diseases have devastating effects on the teeth, gums and tongue; it is necessary to remedy it in time to avoid more serious ailments.

Cavities are directly linked to a lack of adequate hygiene, and affect one in four adults. This type of dental pathology causes pain and sensitivity to cold and heat.

Teeth can break when chewing foods such as dried fruit, hard candy, ice cubes, or when the person bites their nails, nibbles pencils or other objects. Also they can damage the jaw joint; lack of hygiene contributes to fractured teeth.

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the tissues that cover the roots of the teeth. The cause is dental plaque, due to poor hygiene, which inflames the gums, makes them bleed and causes bad breath.

The  periodontitis  is an advanced form of gingivitis that can lead to tooth loss, painful abscesses, bad breath, bleeding, and changes in chewing.

Habits that help you take care of your dental health

1. Adequate toothbrush

The use of the toothbrush is necessary at least four times a day  ; especially upon awakening and after each meal, and when consuming sugary foods.

It is recommended not to rub the toothbrush too hard to avoid sores or wear to the enamel. Circular movements are preferable, in order to guarantee better efficiency.

The most recommended toothpastes are those containing fluoride. This substance re-mineralizes the enamel and contributes to the elimination of dental plaque, by attacking the bacteria which produce it and which dig into the tooth to create a cavity.

In the temporary absence of a toothbrush, rinsing your mouth with water will help reduce the effect of bacteria. Another option is to eat a green apple and then rinse your mouth with water.

2. Cleaning  inter-dental

inter-dental cleaning for good dental health

With dental floss, it is easy to reach places that are inaccessible with the toothbrush. Between the teeth, there is an accumulation of food scraps that generate dense plaque, which is very harmful to dental health.

There are 3 very simple methods to reach the space between the teeth: dental floss, interdental brushes or oral irrigators.

3. Mouthwash

Good dental cleaning ends with mouthwash. It completes cleaning the inaccessible spaces with the toothbrush or other utensils. There are rinses with anti-caries effect, whitening or that minimize sensitivity. At the same time, they provide a pleasant feeling of freshness.

4. Visits to the dentist

Once a year (at least) we have to go to the dentist. This professional will be attentive to any dental diseases, such as cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis or darkening of the teeth, among other pathologies.

Adequate dental hygiene should be complemented by visits to the dental office, where fluoride levels will be boosted. In addition, deep cleanings will be carried out and products for better hygiene will be recommended.

5. Good nutrition

The supply of calcium for better dental formation goes first and foremost through food. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be part of the daily diet. Fish, fruits and vegetables are beneficial for the body, including the mouth.

Other foods such as sweets and high sugar drinks are very damaging to the teeth. Some drinks like coffee and wine stain them. Hard candy can cause tooth ruptures.

Good oral hygiene will necessarily contribute to dental health, and that of the mouth in general. These 5 habits that will help you take care of your oral health will guarantee you a beautiful smile!

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