5 Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

We can plant mint at any time of the year. It requires very little attention, repels insects, and brings a delicious scent to your home.

It doesn’t matter if you live in a small apartment, the possibility of growing your own medicinal plants is always possible. All you need is a few flower pots, a little water from time to time and a sufficiently bright space.

Aloe Vera, mint, chamomile will be useful to you on a daily basis and your children will be delighted to see them grow. Discovering the wonders of nature.

Medicinal plants you can grow at home

Having your own vegetable garden of medicinal plants is like having a small pharmacy that you can enjoy on a daily basis. A cold, stomach pain, an injury that does not heal, a good relaxing tonic …

Nature is wise and wonderful, a remedy within everyone’s reach and from which we can learn every day. Why not then concoct your small selection of medicinal plants at home?

Of course, it is worth it, so take note of the most used species in everyday life, which can be grown simply in pots.

1. Aloe vera

herbal remedies that you can grow at home: aloe vera

Aloe vera does not require a lot of attention. You can leave the pots in full sun on your apartment balcony, for example, and water them from time to time.

These plants are often very prolific. Their fleshy leaves are composed of water, enzymes and rich amino acids, capable of regenerating damaged skin. We can easily extract a healing gel from it by cutting the leaves.

To grow it at home, it is best to plant it in an earthen pot and not in a plastic pot. It should be filled with normal soil with 50% peat and put at the bottom of the pot, in order to facilitate drainage, two fingers of gravel.

It is essential to always expose it to direct sunlight and protect it from the cold in winter.

2. Mint

Who can resist a good mint infusion on a beautiful afternoon? It is ideal for stomach pain. It is also a great tonic with calming effects that we can combine with other types of plants to make teas and infusions.

This natural remedy is very pleasant to grow, in a pot or in a vegetable garden if you are lucky enough to have one. Mint can season your dishes, especially your desserts …

But, how to cultivate it? This is very easy, it is a plant which can be planted at any time of the year and which needs little care. It repels ants, aphids and many other plagues of this type.

Get an earthen pot, put in equal amounts of earth and peat as well as the gravel base that allows for good drainage. Mint prefers partial shade, so don’t expose it to direct sunlight.

3. Sage

herbal remedies that you can grow at home: sage

Do you know what the word sage means? “To be in a good health”. To benefit from this wonder of nature, you must get good clay soil and clean the pot in which you will put it, with a gravel base allowing drainage.

Sage needs a lot of sunlight. So, it is good to put it on the balcony, in that corner which is almost always sunny. Sage is an exceptional plant that serves as a food condiment and that we can also make as an infusion.

It is relaxing, aids digestion and reduces inflammation and even headaches. Are you going to be tempted by its virtues?

4. Parsley

Parsley is a great detoxifier. It cleanses our kidneys, eliminates bad breath, protects our immune system, seasons our dishes and provides a lot of iron. Taking a teaspoon every day is ideal. You absolutely have to have it at home.

But how to cultivate it? Very simple: parsley needs at least 5 hours of sunlight per day.

Then we can put it in the shade. All you need to do is get a pot with a little soil, a little peat moss and a gravel base. The downside to parsley is that it grows slowly, so you should never forget to water it even if you feel like the plant is never going to grow.

Remember that your parsley will be much better than what you buy in the supermarket. In addition, you can cut it fresh as soon as you need it and enjoy its virtues immediately, unlike a purchased parsley whose properties would diminish in the refrigerator.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is a medicinal plant that we all should have in our homes. It helps us to relax, to sleep better, it reduces anxiety and regulates heart problems.

This is why it is worth having it always at hand to make an infusion or for any other type of need. How to cultivate it? Very easy: it should always be planted in summer, at the hottest time possible.

It is necessary to find a portion of very black earth, then another of sand in order to facilitate the drainage of the water as much as possible. Then you will have to put it in a place of the house where there is light, but it should not be too exposed to the sun, not directly anyway.

Remember that to make chamomile tea, we need the flowers. It is therefore necessary to wait until the petals are completely open to pick them. But be careful, do not accidentally tear off the foot, otherwise the flowers will never be able to grow back.

We encourage you to cultivate these medicinal plants at home, with your children, in order to benefit from all their therapeutic virtues.

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