6 Ways To Face Life When You Feel Overwhelmed

If situations have got over you and you’re not sure which way to go, take your time to think about your goals and get ready to achieve them.

Life is never easy. Even at the best of times you may be faced with times when you feel overwhelmed.

The important thing is not to lose objectivity or allow pessimism to set in completely. It is quite normal, and even healthy, to feel sad, angry, or depressed.

For this reason, this time we want to give you some  tips that can help you cope with these times and be able to keep moving forward. You will see that these are not magic formulas, but simple changes in attitude.

1. Be generous

We know that when we feel overwhelmed, the first thought associated with it is lack or what we need. However, being generous is food for the soul.

Also, don’t constantly think about your lack of time or money or your home issues. Instead, look for an option to help someone else.

Our recommendation is that you give something to a perfect stranger. You don’t need to donate a large amount of money. It’s even easier, you don’t even have to donate money. Maybe you will meet someone carrying heavy bags or who cannot cross the street.

Helping in this way shows you that even though life is beyond you, there is still something you can do for others. The feeling you experience afterwards is fantastic.

2. Sit back and watch the people

One of the biggest drawbacks when you feel overwhelmed is that you focus only on yourself and your problems. Also, the next time you feel like this, try going to a busy park or cafe.

Sit down and watch the people. But be careful, we said “observe” not just “watch”. In other words, give yourself time to analyze a person and imagine who they are. Look at his face and ask yourself what his life is like.

This exercise will help you remember how children smile and what makes them happy. You will also be able to spot people with expressions of sadness or anger, it is even likely that you are witnessing an unpleasant situation and there is nothing you can do.

You don’t need to talk to anyone or try to solve other people’s problems. This simple observation exercise will help you to be more aware of your limits, but also of your privileges.

3. Go home and rest


Is work the reason you feel overwhelmed? The relationship with your spouse is unbearable and you’ve been arguing for three hours? Does your mom seem ready to mess with you for nothing? In this case, get out of this situation.

It’s not about running away, it’s just taking the time to be alone and calm your mind. The longer you prolong this situation, the more likely it is that someone will say something that they don’t actually feel.

So when you get home, make yourself some tea or coffee and take a nap or take a bath. Later, you can analyze what happened and really understand the situation. So you can calm down and let things cool down.

You will see that the next day everything will be less negative and that you will be able to make better decisions.

4. Do you like

Do you feel overwhelmed by a relationship that is hurting you? Suddenly it seems like your friends have decided that you are not kind enough? It does not matter. At the end of the day, you are the person who needs to prove their own love the most.

So take a minute to consciously love yourself. Develop habits that will help you:

  • Write a thank you journal in which you write one or two things every day that makes you special and that you love yourself about.
  • Take the time to be alone every week to treat yourself to a massage or read a book, for example.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror every night before going to bed and then say two magic words: “I love you”.

Lack of self-esteem can lead you to come to terms with situations and conditions that hurt you. Also, don’t make this mistake.

5. Get educated

learn educate

There are times when you feel overwhelmed by situations that you cannot resolve. For example, even if you work hard, you may not make it through the month without getting debt-ridden or you may not get that much-hoped-for promotion.

At such times, it is important to analyze whether the problem depends on your emotions or your abilities. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you know it all.

So try to find alternatives to acquire these skills that you need.

The solution, in this case, lies in this necessity.

  • A personal finance course if you don’t know how to manage your money.
  • Courses that can allow you to acquire a skill that can help you progress professionally.
  • Psychological therapy to identify and resolve emotional issues that keep you in abusive relationships.

Remember that there is no such thing as magical relationships and that sometimes it is imperative to stop and learn what is needed. Once you do, the path will be easier to walk.

6. get inspired

Define a place in your home where the positive reigns. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and lose direction when you don’t take the time to give thanks and find inspiration …

Do you want to travel to Asia? Do you work so that you can buy that house of your dreams? A lot of times in this process of reaching these goals and any other dreams you may have, you get lost if you don’t focus properly.

Keep a journal, for example, or post pictures, phrases, or things in a room  in your home that remind you of your reasons for working.

That way, when you feel overwhelmed, you can go ahead and rearrange your ideas and activities.

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