7 Habits That Damage Your Heart

Although we know full well that salt is unhealthy because it causes high blood pressure, we still eat it. We must eliminate it from our diet, as well as industrial prepared meals, and favor more natural options.

The human body is a perfect machine where every part is essential. The heart is the basic organ that can have the worst consequences if it weakens. This is why you have to take care of it and make sure it is healthy, by combating the habits that damage your heart.

Do you know which habits are the most damaging to our heart, almost without our realizing it? We will explain it to you in more detail.

What are you doing that is damaging your heart?

The heart is the main organ responsible for pumping blood and sending it to the rest of the body for nutrients to flow through our body. There are many factors that determine its good health, things that sometimes go unnoticed or even that we don’t care about.

The stress which accelerates his movements, the foods which make him sick or which obstruct the arteries and prevent him from pumping as it should… We must be careful, because heart attacks can sometimes occur, silently and without warning. So, remember the following!

1. Salt in our dishes

You surely expected it. What is curious is that everyone knows the harmful effects of salt on our body but nobody stops using it. Why ? Because salt gives our dishes flavor, makes them tastier, but in the long run, it ends up making you pay for it.

The salt causes hypertension, increases our stress and, gradually, it becomes a time bomb, until our heart says “stop.” Is it worth it? Of course not.

2. The Risks of Stress and Anxiety Damaging Your Heart

Emotions damage your heart.

Stress affects both men and women, even if it presents itself in a different way. Generally, it is said that in men, stress has more harmful effects in the short term.

Women, meanwhile, are the most affected by stress on a daily basis, according to studies, even if they cope better. However, this does not mean that it does not have an effect on them.

In fact, there is a heart problem that is more and more common in women due to states of anxiety and stress. It is called “broken heart syndrome”.

As you know, it is essential for us to learn to manage our emotions a little better.

3. Lack of exercise and obesity damage your heart

It is, according to experts, the evil of the 21st century. A sedentary life, an incorrect diet rich in saturated fat, flour, sweets and prepared meals …

Little by little, all of this drifts into serious cardiovascular problems due to obesity, hypertension and a sick organism which is gradually damaged.

We must keep this in mind: the figures show that more and more children are suffering from this phenomenon. Children who no longer go out to play in the street, who prefer to stay in front of their game consoles or their computer, leading a sedentary life with very little exercise …

We must avoid these bad habits for the good of our body.

4. Eat to eat, these foods damage your heart

These foods damage your heart.

It is a phenomenon that we began to study a short time ago.

Let’s take an example: we arrive home tired after a hard day’s work, and rather than making an effort to prepare a healthy, varied and balanced meal, we are looking for something to snack on to immediately calm our hunger and anxiety.

A snack, a pizza, a drink, sweets, this is not healthy nutrition . It is eating to eat, eating to calm our nerves or just to finish quickly.

And ready-made ready-made meals make life easy: they’re all ready and you just need to reheat them in the microwave. There is nothing worse for our body. Remember that to eat is to feed us, to provide our body with what it needs and what is good for it.

5. What about cholesterol?

We can’t talk about cholesterol without mentioning hypertension. It’s all these silent illnesses that we forget, because we don’t go to the doctor, because we don’t pass the usual exams.

We have to be careful, cholesterol can be one of the biggest risks to our heart.

It accumulates in our veins and arteries when it is in excess in our body, and we do not expel it, on the contrary we accumulate it in dangerous places like these pathways where our blood circulates.

The veins become narrower, there is barely enough space left for the blood to circulate, then comes a dreaded heart attack. Don’t take your routine doctor’s visits lightly!

6. Are you getting enough sleep?

Insomnia damages your heart.

It is essential to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night. Even if we know it perfectly, sometimes we watch TV, the computer or we even spend hours talking on our mobile phone.

Remember that this type of device is very harmful, its waves modify our sleep and produce insomnia.

We need to rest so that our organism fulfills essential biological functions, such as detoxification of the lymphatic system, the liver … Not sleeping leads to a hormonal imbalance which directly affects our heart.

7. Do you still smoke?

If this is your case, what are you waiting for to quit? You may not know it, but smoking makes your heart beat faster , causes an irregular rhythm which leads to some pretty serious heart problems.

Don’t hesitate, quitting smoking is the best gift you can give yourself, it will give you more years of life and a better quality of life from day to day.

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