9 Things Your Tongue Tries To Tell You About Your Health

Did you know that the color of your tongue can warn you of vitamin deficiency and different types of infections? Depending on the color, it could be due to poor hygiene or a bigger problem.

The tongue can be a mirror in which to look at ourselves and see if we are suffering from any type of problem.

Also take it into account and do not leave out this organ because it can tell you a lot about your state of health and if you are suffering from any type of deficiency depending on its color.

Take note, as we tell you what each option assumes and means.

1. Strawberry red

If your tongue is red.

If your tongue is strawberry red, it may mean that you are missing some vitamins. In the event that it is glowing slightly, it is a sign that your diet is lacking in iron and vitamin B12.

  • If you can see that your tongue is getting flatter, most of your taste buds are smoothing out.
  • In severe cases you may experience sharp pain when consuming hot liquids or spicy foods.
  • It is recommended that you go to your doctor and review your diet.

2. Coffee color

If you see that you have some sort of black or coffee-colored patch on your tongue, be aware that this may indicate poor oral hygiene or that you are a smoker, or a heavy user of coffee or black tea.

  • This can cause an unpleasant smell in the mouth and taste abnormalities, such as having difficulty recognizing flavors.
  • Try to moderate these harmful habits not only for your tongue but also for your health.
  • Brush your teeth daily as well as your tongue.

3. Whitish

IF your tongue is white.

If you have a whitish tongue or a white patch that looks like cottage cheese both in color and consistency, this is a sign of yeast infection (candidiasis).

  • This type of plaque appears when there is excessive reproduction of candida albicans.
  • This is an infection that can develop from prolonged use of antibiotics, diabetes, a weak immune system, or high blood pressure.
  • In any case, it is better to go see your doctor.

4. Tongue with folds

If you see any folds or wrinkles on your tongue it could just be a sign of old age.

  • Usually this kind of crack is not painful but if you have poor oral hygiene it would increase the likelihood of getting an infection.
  • For example, a fungus infection could develop in one of these cracks and cause severe pain as well as burns.
  • To solve this problem it is enough to follow the treatment indicated by the specialist.

5. Small white spots

If small white spots appear on your tongue, you need to stay alert as it may be due to possible irritation.

  • It is usually caused by the excessive growth of cells in smokers.
  • Although it is not high, there is a percentage of these cells that may be precancerous. If the spots do not go away for several weeks, you will need to go for a consultation and check-ups.

6. Red blisters or lesions

Lesions on your tongue.

If you have blisters or several red lesions on your tongue that do not go away for a long time, they may be symptoms of a serious disease such as cancer of the tongue.

If you have these spots, go see your doctor immediately and he will take the appropriate examinations for you.

7. Burning of the tongue

A burning tongue can be the result of a series of strong hormonal changes, especially during menopause, but it’s not always due to it.

Another cause can be a wrong choice of toothpaste: Some people are allergic to the sodium lauryl sulfate component, which is responsible for making toothpaste lather.

If this is your case, try changing your toothpaste to see if your tongue improves.

8. Painful ulcers

If you have painful ulcers on your tongue, it is due to possible stomatitis.

  • Although this disease is generally linked to children, around 20% of adults suffer from it as well.
  • Ulcers are a first sign of stress and a weak immune system and if they last longer than a week it is best to see your doctor.

9. Tongue with holes and irregularities

This is something quite unusual, but it does exist. This is a rare feature but which does not represent any danger.

If you don’t feel pain, you don’t have to worry, your tongue is just different from others.

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