The Psychological Predator (Part Two)

First of all, the predator seduces his victim who then lets himself be influenced; in the end, the predator manages to dominate her, thus depriving her of all her freedom.

The psychological predator manipulates its victims very easily. Here is the second part of our advice against psychological predators.

What does the psychological predator bullying process look like?

Bullying can be found in very closed circles, because proximity is necessary to create a climate of trust.

The process begins in a very discreet and hidden way. First of all, the predator seduces his victim who then lets himself be influenced; in the end, the predator manages to dominate her, thus depriving her of all her freedom.

The predator-victim link is first and foremost a story of seduction, an irresistible game of attraction. The psychological predator distorts reality and acts secretly, by surprise.

He does not attack directly, but rather indirectly in order to capture the desire of the other, a victim who admires him and gives him a good image of himself.

The predator tries to make his victim believe that he is free. It prevents her from being aware of the process to avoid arguments and resistance.

This cancels out the defense capacities and the critical sense of his victim, who is thus unable to rebel.

The predator tries to make his victim believe that he is free.

When the established relationship begins to be stable, the predator seeks to cut the emotional ties of his victim (families, friends, etc.).

In this way, he succeeds in making the victim emotionally dependent on him and begins to paralyze her, until she loses all confidence in herself.

A psychological predator will sow doubt in your life

Psychological predators are real chameleons that adopt the behaviors of their victims; they are unable to feel for themselves because of the disconnection they present between their brain and their emotions.

Gradually, the victim becomes confused and doubtful, because his self-esteem is affected by the strategies put in place by the predator.

It is at this precise moment that the attackers proclaim themselves as the only saviors, with expressions such as: “Only I can understand you” or “What would become of you without me?” “.

Slowly, the victims lose their self-esteem in all areas, both personal and social. They find themselves paralyzed, afraid, uncertain, without knowing how to react or what to do.

Moreover, their predator knows how to make them doubt by adopting an ambivalent and vexatious behavior: within a couple, for example, he can kiss his victim as well as create a conflict in the morning upon rising.

Prepare for conflict

If the victim proposes a change, it inevitably leads to conflict.

The victims are thus humiliated, despised, devalued. Remember that the psychological predator belittles his victim deep down, because he desires and jealous all that he has that he will never have.

The victim thus finds himself in an emotional cage.

The victim thus finds himself in an emotional cage where his attacker is always on the alert and in control.

She can’t go out without him knowing where she is going and with whom, and she has to pick up her phone to avoid conflict. All this while the psychological predator has the right to do whatever he wants …

In the final phase, the predator moves away from its victim. He knows she’s caught up in the trap, and he takes the opportunity to keep her down.

Indeed, during the whole process, the victim is only an object for the psychological predator. Towards the end, the victim is numbed and feels neither love nor hate, but rather an emotional dependency that shows her that she is not feeling well.

Over the years, the victim can consciously and rationally realize what really happened.  However, it is almost impossible for her to let go of this emotional connection.

How to react to this type of relationship?

The most important to deal with this type of relationship. We have to wake up, to realize the situation in which we are trapped.

This is why it is essential to call in a professional in order to restructure our thoughts and feelings.

The best is to gradually recover the lost links and tell what is happening to us around us.

This way, our friends and family will finally be able to understand our behavior that previously seemed incomprehensible to them.

Finally, and above all, you should know that this is a fairly slow process. It requires the support of a professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, among others.

Photographs courtesy of Esaaveni.

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