10 Daily Habits That Make Your Skin Aging

We all have harmful habits that can cause damage to our body and of course also to our skin.

Do you feel like your skin is aging too quickly? There are many factors that contribute to this premature aging. Take note of these daily habits that can harm your skin and can make it age, and remember that it’s never too late to change bad habits.

Habits that cause the skin to age prematurely

1. The position when you sleep

sleeping position can make your skin look a lot older

If you sleep on your stomach, your head will be turned to the side, which will make your neck and shoulder muscles tense.

Additionally, sleeping in this position also worsens blood flow to the brain. Another consequence that this position can cause are bags under the eyes and swelling. Therefore, it is better to try to sleep on your back or on your side.

Another aspect that can be fundamental for the health of our skin is the choice we make about the pillow. Choosing a pillow that is too high will interrupt normal blood flow, which will make your skin rougher.

The perfect pillow will allow you to keep your neck straight and your chin not too close to the chest.

2. Sunburns age the skin

Protecting yourself from the sun is the guarantee of healthier skin. Remember that the skin around the eyes is very thin and wrinkles more easily when you open and close your eyes or squint them in the sun.

To try to avoid these reactions, use dark glasses on a sunny day regardless of the season of the year you are.

3. Watch your diet

watch your diet to take care of your skin

Depending on how you eat your skin may be suffering from certain problems. For example, if you usually chew on one side only, you may suffer from facial asymmetry.

This means that on the one hand the muscles will weaken and on the other they will always be more toned.

4. Beware of your mobile

If you have long daily phone conversations, be careful because when you press the phone between the ear and the shoulder you will promote the appearance of creases and wrinkles in the neck and sagging cheeks.

So if you talk a lot on the phone, choose the speakerphone or the hands-free option.

5. Improper use of the tablet

When we hold devices like a tablet or mobile, we do so by leaning downwards which can cause swelling and creases in the neck, and promote  sagging skin and wrinkles.

In order for this not to happen, you will need to avoid lowering your head when writing messages or when viewing anything on your devices.

6. Rest your hand on your chin

A gesture as simple as pressing the hand on the chin can cause wrinkles on the face.

7. Frown

Often, we perform some harmful facial expressions such as: frowning, pursing the lips or wrinkling the muscles of the face.

When you realize that you are frowning, try to avoid it, little by little you will come to dominate this bad habit.

8. Hot showers can age the skin.

Cold water showers are much better better than hot showers. Because while a hot shower can relax your body as much as possible, if you spend a lot of time in hot water, it will affect your skin.

The protective pH layer can be affected and cause dryness of the skin. Therefore, try not to overdo hot water when washing yourself.

9. Air conditioning ages the skin

Air conditioners absorb moisture from the air and make it drier. It can therefore also cause your skin to dry out more easily.

Therefore, it is very important to provide it with good hydration and not to abuse the air conditioning.

10. The choice of pillow cases

the choice of pillowcases to take care of your skin

To conclude, you must also be very careful with the choice that you make of the pillow cases. Remember that pillowcases are in direct contact with the skin on your face.

If you choose blankets made from cotton, you are more likely to get wrinkles, especially if you sleep on your side. Blankets made with materials such as silk or satin are preferred as they cause less friction.

To maintain healthy skin, it is also important not to neglect your diet. Find out which are the best smoothies to consume for healthy and beautiful skin.

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