Tips For Avoiding Flabby Arms

Over the years, the skin loses collagen. You should know that it is this element that gives it elasticity.

Do you have flabby arms? Several factors cause the body to gradually lose its tone. Gaining and losing weight also has an effect on our body.

The skin stretches, and after a while it falls off. Very often, after gaining weight, we manage to lose weight again. Unfortunately, we keep a memory of this process: our flabby arms!

What should be done to tone flabby arms?

As a first step, you must first prepare yourself mentally. Indeed, it will be necessary to show a certain constancy throughout the strategy for which you are going to opt.

If you exercise for a week and then quit, you will never see results! To have strong and firm arms, it will therefore be necessary to be constant and to show discipline.

Indeed, the exercises should be performed on a regular basis. Be careful though, we should never demand too much of our body.

Also, remember to check with your doctor to see if you can do certain types of exercise.

Follow a balanced diet

We all know the benefits of losing weight and eating a balanced diet. Indeed,  a healthy diet goes much better with physical exercise.

When it comes time to exercise, you will feel much less bloating or numbness. Try to eat lean meats (fish, chicken), fiber and healthy fats (olive, almond or avocado oil).

What you can do about flabby arms

Besides going to a gym, swimming is also a great option. The logic is very simple: in the water, the movement is twice as hard to do; we must therefore make a great effort which forces us to lose more calories !

In addition, we force the muscle to work more intensely. However, the best benefit of working in water is elsewhere.

It is indeed a question of limiting the impact on our muscles and on our bones, because in swimming, this impact is much lower. The risk of injury is therefore considerably lower!

Exercise your biceps

Do you have dumbbells at home? Look for them! Otherwise, there is no problem. One can also do these exercises without using weights. Indeed, the very weight of our arms will have beneficial effects.

Otherwise, there is also an economical and practical option! Fill a small bottle of water (500ml) and use it as a dumbbell.

Do exercises to combat flabby arms.

Sit down to perform arm curls. Rest the elbow on the knee. Then bring your hand with the weight up to the shoulder. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

You can make a second batch of three sets of 15; it all depends on how much effort you had to put in before.

Exercise your triceps

To perform this exercise, you must be stationary:

  • Separate your legs so that your feet are aligned with the height of your shoulders.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each of your hands and place the hands behind your head. The arms should be bent.
  • Then lift the dumbbell upwards: it should be above your head, pointing towards the sky.
  • You should be able to extend your arms almost completely, but without having to block the elbow. Remember that the arms don’t have to open a lot, this is important. Try to have a separation between them no greater than the one between your shoulders.
  • Do three sets of 15. You can then start over. This exercise can also be done with one arm at a time.

You can also do another exercise to work this muscle. These are called “kick-back triceps”. For this exercise, you must get on all fours on the floor or on a bed:

  • Use a blanket to lean on, it will be much nicer. Then extend your arm backwards so that it is parallel to your body.
  • Then bend your elbow so that your hand with the dumbbell is pointing towards the floor; the arm should then be perpendicular to your body.
  • Repeat this exercise with each arm. You need to do three sets of 15 repetitions.

Pumps for flabby arms

There is also another way to tone flabby arms:  it is obviously the formidable push-ups!

We are going to give you an exercise that allows you to do push-ups without being too difficult to do like those done on the floor.

In addition, you will also get good results!

  • Place two chairs with their backs against a wall.
  • Separate them about 20 centimeters.
  • Then press the palms of your hands on each of the chairs. The body should remain straight and the arms outstretched. Your legs should be tilted as if it were a slope of about 45º.
  • Then bend your arms bringing the thorax to the center and the elbows to the back. Be careful, the elbows must not open:  you must try to keep them parallel to the body.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps.

Remember these details

  • Remember that you must complete a stretching exercise before you begin to do an exercise routine. You also have to stretch after you finish. The muscles must be warmed so as not to injure themselves.
  • Try to perform these exercises in the same training session. The idea is to work a muscle as well as its opposite. You can do a set of 15 and then another set for a different exercise. Then rest.
  • If you are a beginner, you can do this set of exercises three times a week. Gradually increase the frequency: you should feel good. Only you will know if you are in the conditions to increase the pace!
  • Supplement these exercises with a balanced diet rich in fiber and protein.
  • You should accompany these exercises with aerobic exercises, for example walking for half an hour a day. This will allow you to be more oxygenated, and you will feel much more energetic. This will make you want to do these arm exercises more.
  • Remember: you must consult a doctor and a sports professional if you feel any discomfort, or even if you are in doubt about these exercises.

What you should not do

  • Note that for the exercises,  you should not use too heavy dumbbells. We try to tone the arms, not to develop musculature. The key to having well-toned arms is repetition.
  • You shouldn’t put in more effort than your body allows. It will damage your muscles and exhaust them.  It is much easier to follow an exercise routine for more than a week if you don’t exhaust your muscles every time.
  • Be realistic with your goals: don’t wait for the exercises to give you results within a week. Keep going. This is where the key is!

What then do you think of these exercises to avoid flabby arms? They’re pretty easy, aren’t they? So now is the time to start! If you are consistent, you will see results when you least expect it!

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