7 Foods You Shouldn’t Reheat Under Anything

The best way to eat vegetables is to eat them raw. If you cook them, do not reheat them, as you will be putting yourself at unnecessary risk.

Reheating food is a good habit to reduce food waste. The paradox of our current society is that some people throw large amounts of food in the trash, while others starve.

In recent years, the reuse of leftover food has benefited from significant promotion. It can be done by incorporating uneaten foods into new recipes, or simply by reheating.

You should know that  reheating food is not recommended with all everyday products. Because some ingredients can become toxic if they are subjected to high temperatures again.

Many people ignore this information. That is why we have decided to talk to you in this article about foods that should not be reheated under any circumstances.


foods that you don't need to reheat: spinach

Better to eat fresh, raw spinach to reap all its benefits. Many recipes for smoothies, salads and soups allow you to consume spinach without having to cook it.

When this vegetable is subjected to a reheating process, the nitrates it contains are converted into nitrites, substances which can be dangerous to health.

The celery

Generally, celery is used the same way as spinach, but it is also often present in vegetable soups.

In the latter case, the best thing to do is to consume it immediately after cooking, and especially not to leave any leftovers to reheat later.

Like spinach, celery contains nitrates which become hazardous to health at high temperatures.

The nitrites which result from the transformation of nitrates are responsible for the development of various pathologies, such as certain cancers for example.

However, large amounts must be consumed to induce such effects.

In any case, we can only advise you to consume raw celery, because it is in this form that it is the most beneficial for your organism.


foods that you don't need to reheat: eggs

Since eggs are small and easy to prepare, there is little chance that there will be enough left for another meal.

This is a good thing, because if you reheat the egg, it will lose all its freshness. Plus, it will change color, flavor and texture.

Eggs are one of the foods that should not be reheated. Indeed, the fact of subjecting them again to high temperatures can release dangerous compounds for our organism.


For years, beetroot has been popular with alternative medicine. Indeed, it has a high content of essential nutrients and antioxidant compounds.

However, it also contains a tiny amount of nitrates. They are harmless as they are, but should not be subjected to high temperatures.

All nutrition and health experts recommend enjoying the benefits of this vegetable by consuming it in the form of natural juices, smoothies or salads.


foods that you don't need to reheat: potatoes

Potatoes contain nutrients and properties that are great for our health. But we must consume them in moderation.

Since they contain high amounts of carbohydrates,  consuming too much of them can cause weight problems.

It is also important to know that it is important not to reheat the potatoes at high temperatures. Because it makes them lose a large part of their nutritional value.

In addition, reheating will alter their flavor and toxic compounds may be released through this process.

Fortunately, there are many ways to reuse already cooked potatoes.

How about making yourself some delicious mashed potatoes?

The mushrooms

Many varieties of edible mushrooms are foods that should not be reheated. Because it can cause significant digestive disorders, even heart problems.

This type of food has interesting properties for health. But it is better to opt for the consumption of fresh products, rather than reheated.

The best way to avoid having to throw away any leftover mushrooms is to prepare them in small quantities.

If you still have some, do not hesitate to consume them cold in the hours following their preparation.

The chicken

Thanks to its healthy protein content, this food is highly beneficial in all healthy diets. But if you have leftover chicken, it will lose its freshness as it chills in the fridge.

Their protein composition changes and this can lead to digestive problems. As with mushrooms, it is better to prepare an adequate amount of chicken to avoid having leftovers. If you haven’t finished everything, you can reheat your leftover chicken, but on a low heat.

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