The 5 Best Exercises To Improve Your Memory

Exercises to improve our memory help us to better fix concepts and increase our ability to concentrate. In this way, we are going to make the brain stay young for longer.

Although we think that only our body should be exercised, the truth is, we forget that we also have to train our memory. If we want to increase the concentration and better fix the concepts, it is necessary to discover some exercises to improve our memory.

Exercises to improve our memory help us have an active mind. And, over time, we can stop learning, reading, acquiring knowledge… In short, we must ensure that our memory is confronted with challenges in order to practice.

For this reason, the 5 exercises to improve our memory that we will outline in this article will help us to have a much more agile mind and to stay young for much longer. Let’s go!

1. Perform daily reviews to improve memory

Remember when you always needed to review your lessons before going to sleep or every day before an exam? Well, that was a great exercise for improving memory.

However, over time, after finishing school and work, we stopped doing these exercises.

To perform the exercise, it is not necessary for us to learn anything. When night comes, just reviewing everything we have done during the day, what happened to us or what we have eaten will be enough.

perform daily reviews to improve memory

Often, keeping a journal invites us to do it every day. Although it seems unnecessary, taking a daily review of what we have been through in an entire day is a great exercise for improving our memory.

2. Create mind maps

How is your spatial memory? Many people find it difficult to find their bearings in the places they are going or orienting themselves. If this is your case, creating mind maps can be a great exercise in improving your memory in this regard.

To do this, in each time you visit a new place, try returning to the house to create a map of the draw. This will stimulate your memory, but not just spatial, also visual. It is something fantastic that you will enjoy.

3. Use your non-dominant hand

Are you right-handed or left-handed? One of the funniest exercises to improve our memory is to do everything we usually do with our non-dominant hand.

For example, if I am right handed and I write or brush my teeth with my right hand, I will try to do it with my left hand.

At first we will surely notice some resistance. It’s normal. It will cost us to use the hand we don’t usually work with. However, it is very positive. Our mind will work and exercise.

4. Change your routine to improve memory

Although it sounds silly, changing the routine of what we usually do is a wake-up call for our memory. Instead of using the elevator, try going down the stairs. Instead of going the same way at work, try choosing a different one.

This will improve our attention span and keep our mind alert. This is something positive, since you will find new elements. When we do something routine, we forget to perceive what we have around us.

changing your routine to improve memory

If, for example, you choose a new path to your workplace, you will need to think about which route to take, and change your plans if you get lost. Also, when you get home, you can combine this with creating a mind map that will also help your mind develop.

5. Learn something everyday to improve memory

The last of the exercises to improve our memory does not imply that we have to take a class to learn something. In our daily life there are many things that can help us learn something new every day.

For example, we can try to learn a new phone number from memory. Or the address of that friend that we always have to ask because it never stays in our minds. All this learning, in addition, will make our life much easier.

Have you ever done any of these exercises to improve your memory? Which of them has served you the most? There are many others, such as sudoku, or some applications that also help keep your memory active.

Remember that exercise can make a big difference and help you remember more. Physical or mental exercise always has its advantages. How about checking them out?

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