5 Edible Seeds And Their Amazing Properties

Including certain seeds in moderation in your diet can be beneficial for your health.

The seeds are at the origin of nutrition since they are an embryonic living plant which allows the renewal, regeneration and ecological succession of plants and natural environments.

Seeds are foods that can be kept alive after storage. They contain, in their reserves, the elements necessary to provide for the first stages of the life of the future plant.

For this reason, it is understandable that they are among the first food products cultivated by man, as they have high concentrations of vitamins, proteins, minerals, enzymes and essential oils in their raw state..

Types of seeds

Types of seeds and their properties.

There are different species and categories of edible seeds. In the following, you will discover the most remarkable:


Basically, they are dry, clean seeds taken from a pod, such as chickpeas, beans, green beans, broad beans, lentils, among others.

They are very complete foods that have almost all the nutrients. They provide us with 350kcal / 100g and also provide us with:

  • Between 16 and 19% protein
  • Slow digesting carbohydrates
  • Soluble fiber
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) and monounsaturated fatty acids (omega 9)

Legumes have also been shown to help control cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

They also help reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease.

Legumes are considered the main source of plant protein for humans.

Nuts and dried fruits

The nut is a kind of dry fruit, with a hard shell, inside which it contains a seed. The most popular is the nut which comes from the walnut tree.

In English, they use the term to also refer to chestnuts, hazelnuts and acorns.

This type of seed is rich in good fats with a high content of antioxidants, vitamin E and minerals.

These nutritional benefits translate into:

  • Reduction of cardiovascular and circulatory diseases
  • Improved transmission of nerve signals
  • Strengthening of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems


These are the ones from which the oil can be extracted. This is the case with sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, among others.

Likewise, they also play the role of a food supplement due to their protein content and are low in bad fats.

Seeds and their properties

Since we have made a brief summary of the topic, below we will share with you in this article the 5 edible seeds that have incredible properties.

1. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain about 36% oil, 23% protein. They are a source of vitamins E, B1, B2 and B3, in addition to providing minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

They provide omega 6 fatty acids which are important for cell metabolism and reduce the risk of circulatory and cardiovascular diseases.

Specifically, consumption of this food has been associated with decreased levels of inflammation in middle-aged and elderly people. This would explain why it reduces the risk of heart problems.

Finally, it should be noted that they also contain fibers, both soluble and insoluble, which promote good bowel function.

Its good assimilation helps improve intestinal transit and increases the presence of healthy bacteria. Therefore, its intake combats problems such as constipation.

2. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of protein, because with just 100g we get about 54% of the daily requirement.

They also contain essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) which can lower cholesterol levels and promote good circulatory function.

Because they contain B complex vitamins, vitamin E, folic acid, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, they are recommended when there is a deficiency of these in the body. On the other hand, they contain curcurbitacin (from the cucurbitaceae family) which helps eliminate intestinal parasites.

3. Flax seeds

Flax is particularly recognized for its rich content in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, omega 3 fatty acids), in addition to providing various nutrients such as carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, among others.

All of these nutrients work together as powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and blood thinners. Flax seeds are also very useful when you are suffering from constipation and inflammation of the intestines.

4. Chia seeds

Chia is recognized as being the main vegetable source of omega 3. They are very rich in vitamins (in particular of the B complex) and in minerals (calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and potassium ).

Their effects are known to reduce joint pain, weight loss and improve intestinal transit. They prevent cardiovascular problems and diabetes, while being gluten-free.

It is important to emphasize that chia is a seed concentrated in calories, since 100 grams are equivalent to 500 kcal, it should therefore be consumed in moderation.

5. Peanut seeds (peanuts)

Peanut seeds contain a high percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids (around 75%), which helps reduce mortality from heart disease. They also contain albumins, carbohydrates, minerals (iron, calcium and phosphorus) and vitamins (A and B1).

They are very nutritious and contain more protein than other legumes, more than meat, in addition to providing energy.

A few tips

Eat them raw. When consuming seeds exposed to high temperatures, their nutritional components are broken down and vitamins and minerals are denatured. Also, avoid seeds coated in sugar or roasted with salt.

The balanced consumption of seeds, in a balanced diet, is beneficial for health and for our body. The next time you go shopping, don’t forget to include some of them on your list.

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