9 Medicinal Properties Of Yuca, Or Cassava

To benefit from all the benefits of yuca, it is essential to cook it before consuming it, because otherwise the vegetable and its leaves can turn out to be toxic.

Yuca is a very important food in the diet of tropical countries. It is present in most traditional recipes because it is easy to produce and satisfies.

We will therefore explain to you below what are the medicinal properties of yuca, also known as cassava.

What do we need to know about the yuca?

In Asia, the lower classes consume rice. In the West, they consume wheat. In Central America, yuca is the main ingredient in everyday meals.

  • This vegetable has a large amount of carbohydrates in the form of starch.
  • It therefore satisfies hunger. It also brings a lot of energy in a fast way. Its fat intake is also quite low.

The amount of calories in yuca makes it ideal for people who need to exercise significantly. For workers in fields, factories, construction, for example.

A high consumption of cassava nevertheless causes obesity problems, especially if we accompany it with other caloric foods, such as potatoes or flour.

It is therefore recommended to combine it with ingredients rich in protein. This will prevent deficiencies in the diet.

The famous “yuca bread” is the staple food of poor families in many parts of the Caribbean.

Children and the elderly suffer the most from the consequences. Then the problems of undernutrition, anemia, loss of teeth, etc. appear.

How is yuca eaten?

  • Cassava should always be peeled before being cooked and cooked.  It does indeed contain toxins harmful to health when it is raw.
  • We can prepare it cooked or fried, like a potato.
  • We can serve it as a side dish or as a main course. It can also be ground to use flour in any recipe. Cassava is suitable for people with celiac disease because it does not contain gluten.
  • Its tender leaves are edible from the moment they are cooked. Just like cassava itself which, when raw, can be poisonous.
  • Ingesting the leaves fills the lack of protein in the root (the part that we eat the most of this plant).

Properties of yuca

Yuca provides us with good doses of vitamins A and C, iron, potassium and calcium. Here are some properties of this vegetable:

It is a powerful digestive

Cassava is very easy to digest. It  is also used to heal and prevent certain stomach or digestion problems.

It is therefore recommended for people who suffer from poor absorption of nutrients, acidity, ulcers and gas.

Yuca is also ideal for relieving bad digestion, diarrhea and constipation.

It is an excellent remedy for the skin

We can use the leaves or the powder from the root, for external use.

  • The former are useful for treating ailments caused by abrasion or poisoning.
  • The second is used in case of burns, eczema or irritation of the skin.

Yuca is detoxifying and purifying

These two properties are due to its large amount of resveratrol. This active ingredient reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) levels while improving blood circulation and increasing platelet production.

In addition, the yuca:

  • Prevents atherosclerosis and thrombus formation.
  • Facilitates lymphatic drainage.
  • Reduces excess uric acid, and therefore it is ideal for people who suffer from gout.

Yuca is anti-inflammatory

Its ability to reduce swelling is used in patients with joint problems such as rheumatism, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

We can also use it against muscle, bone or tendon pain.

It is a wonderful immuno-stimulant

Thanks to its ability to strengthen the immune system, yuca prevents disease because it prevents harmful microorganisms from entering our body.

  • It is also recommended for seasonal allergies thanks to the saponins it contains.
  • It is also effective in disinfecting wounds thanks to its bactericidal properties.

The yuca is ideal for pregnant women

Due to its high folic acid content, cassava is recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

It improves the health of the mother and prevents diseases in the child.

It is good for the bones

Since this plant provides a good amount of calcium, it ensures strong and healthy bones. This obviously includes the teeth.

  • Cassava is used in people with osteoporosis and should be consumed from the age of 35 to avoid fractures or dislocations.
  • Its leaves contain vitamin K, which is also excellent for the bones.

It is beneficial for diabetics

Yuca contains a lot of fiber which helps slow the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood. On the other hand, it has a low glycemic index and is therefore recommended for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

It regulates the metabolism

Let us not forget that this plant is a moderate source of vitamin of group B. They are important to produce the hormones responsible for maintaining the balance of the metabolism.

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