5 Tips To Revitalize The Liver, Pancreas And Kidneys

Remember that a poor diet, stress or dehydration can cause discomfort. Soft drinks and pre-cooked meals are two great enemies of health.

What are the reasons for revitalizing the liver, pancreas and kidneys? Know that these organs are vital not only for digestion, but also for cleansing the body and synthesizing hormones.

It has certainly happened to you to feel bloated, tired, on days when you are digesting badly and each usual task seems complicated to you.

What are the causes? Sometimes we do little excesses that we are unaware of. Poor diet, too much stress, not enough water, can become determinants of these symptoms mentioned above.

So today we want to offer you to learn how to revitalize the liver, pancreas and kidneys. This will undoubtedly help you  improve your quality of life. Take note !

1. The best fruits to revitalize the liver, pancreas and kidneys

How many fruits do you eat per day? It is a mistake to think that consuming packaged fruit juices provides us with the daily ration of vitamins and minerals from the fruit. If we limit ourselves to drinking supermarket juices, this is what will happen:

  • A higher level of sugars
  • We ingest all the chemicals and preservatives that are added to these drinks
  • We force the liver to  purify itself and work harder
  • The level of natural juice in these drinks is actually very low. In addition to the added sugars, it’s not too hard to realize that this isn’t exactly a healthy resource.

What is the solution ? Consume fresh and raw fruit. In other words, no jam, no cooked fruit, or in the oven. Here are the best fruits:

  • Lemon
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Nectarine
  • Mandarin
  • Melon
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberry
  • Plum

To revitalize the liver, pancreas and kidneys,  it is strongly recommended to prepare good salads for breakfast or lunch. For example, put a little melon, a plum and five strawberries in a bowl. And voila! At lunch, you can mix spinach with pineapple.

2. The best vegetables for the liver, pancreas and kidneys

Eat beets to revitalize the liver.

Now let’s move on to the essential vegetables to include in your dishes to take care of your general health. But also to promote the functioning of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.


They are delicious, and make an ideal dinner if paired with a little olive oil and vinegar.

Also, when you make the decoction of the artichokes, remember that the cooking water is also medicinal. Accompanied by a little lemon juice, it helps us strengthen the liver and kidneys. So don’t throw it away!

Artichokes contain cynarin, a substance that promotes bile secretion and fat digestion, which controls cholesterol levels in the blood and lowers glucose. That is why they are great allies for organ revitalization.


The best way to consume them is to wash them, first, and then grate them. You will get delicious carrot salads if you also add a little lemon juice. In the case of carrots, remember that it’s always best to eat them raw to get all of their benefits.

Indeed, they help to revitalize because they are diuretic, they fight against constipation and gastric pain, and protect against pollution. In addition, they contain potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, etc.

The beets

Who doesn’t love this refreshing, earthy vegetable? Its crimson red color already gives us a glimpse of the large amount of antioxidants and vitamins in it. We cannot therefore miss it. Beets can be included in your salads, and even make tasty squeezed fruit juice. You will love it!

Onion, a vegetable with medicinal properties to revitalize the liver, pancreas and kidneys

Know that this vegetable has medicinal properties. It acts as an antibiotic, purifies, cleanses, strengthens, and promotes digestion and circulation.

It is worth eating a little every day and preferably always raw. Just cut a few slices and add them to your salads. You will thus benefit from all its properties.

3. Revitalize the liver, pancreas and kidneys: start the day with a glass of lemon juice and baking soda

A mixture of baking soda with lemon juice helps revitalize the liver.

Here is a natural alkalizer that will support the health of your liver, pancreas and kidneys. Just take this mixture on an empty stomach and observe its health benefits.

Lemon juice and baking soda stimulate kidney function. It will help you cleanse yourself, prevent problems such as the build-up of fat in the liver, and improve digestion.


  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A glass of water (250 ml)
  • A tablespoon of baking soda (20 grams)

How to take it

  • Just dissolve the baking soda in the glass of water, then add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Mix well and drink slowly.
  • You can take this remedy for 4 days in a row, then rest for a week, then start again.

4. The best infusions to revitalize the liver, pancreas and kidneys

There are three wonderful herbs for strengthening liver, digestive and kidney function. Do you want to know them? It is :

  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion
  • Boldo

5. Prohibited foods!

  • Leave aside the salt: from today, you can do without it, and you will see the benefits on your health
  • Eat less sugars and refined white flour
  • Beware of ready-made soups, precooked or frozen meals
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Stop consuming carbonated and sugary drinks, as well as sweets or industrial pastries
  • Also be careful with red meat and overly fatty meals. They do not digest well and interfere with the functions of the liver, pancreas and kidneys

And now we have to put it all into practice! Follow these tips and you will see that in no time you will get amazing results.

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