Hair Growth: 6 Natural Tips

Certain herbs and spices promote hair growth. We invite you to discover six of them here!

There are many people who want to wear long, beautiful hair. This is why we invite you here to discover how to stimulate hair growth.

It is also essential to know which factors are detrimental to the health of the hair. Be aware that colorings and heating products deteriorate the hair follicles and cause them to fall.

Other factors adversely affect the health of the hair, such as thyroid problems, anemia, or even a poor diet.

Fortunately, some natural remedies provide nutrients to the roots of the hair and thus optimize their growth.

Massaging the scalp to stimulate blood circulation in this area allows better absorption of these nutrients and prevents capillary fragility.

Herbal and spice remedies are increasingly popular due to their effectiveness and low cost. Discover here the 6 best herbs and spices to have long and strong hair.

1. Hair growth: rosemary


There is no doubt that rosemary is one of the most recommended herbs for stimulating hair growth.

For decades, rosemary has been used to prevent whole hair loss and strengthen the scalp.  Rosemary also prevents the premature appearance of gray hair.

Also note that rosemary water revives the color of dark hair and gives it volume.

2. Hair growth: field horsetail

This plant is well known for its high content of silicon, a mineral that provides strength to hair, nails and bones:  silicon hydrates and promotes elasticity as well as capillary resistance.

Field horsetail provides essential nutrients to the hair roots.

3. Hair growth: nettle

This herb is full of benefits: not only does it prevent hair loss, it also helps treat seborrhea and dandruff problems.

Its high content of vitamins (B, C and E) reduces the harmful effects of  free radicals. Nettle also inhibits the excessive production of fat and stimulates the circulation of the hair tissue providing shine and strength to the hair.

In addition, thanks to its cleansing action, it tones the hair fibers, which also helps to oxygenate the scalp.

4. Hair growth: henna

By drying and crushing the leaves of this plant, a vegetable tincture is obtained. It is used to revitalize the reddish color of the hair in a less aggressive way than that used in commercial hair colors.

Henna has antifungal and antibacterial benefits, an ideal property for treating dandruff and persistent seborrhea problems that other products do not eliminate.

In addition, the henna adheres to the hair fiber, which helps in having thicker hair. It is also effective in straightening hair in a natural way.

5. Hair growth: curry

Curry promotes hair growth

Curry is a spice widely used in gastronomy, but it also has benefits for the hair.

  • Its green leaves are used to repair damage caused by the use of commercial products, solar overexposure and pollution.
  • Its essential and protein oils nourish and invigorate the hair tissue.
  • Curry has a high content of beta-carotenes, a nutrient that reduces hair loss and stimulates hair growth.
  • This spice is ideal for preventing the appearance of premature gray hair.

6. Hair growth: cinnamon

This spice with its characteristic flavor and smell is not only used to flavor food. If you want to give your hair an extra dose of strength, this is the ingredient you need.

  • The antiseptic properties of cinnamon prevent scalp disease while eliminating bacteria and other microorganisms that promote hair loss.
  • It is an ideal product for naturally lightening brown hair.
  • Cinnamon stimulates the circulation of blood to the hair follicles, which promotes abundant, hydrated and shiny hair.

Nature provides us with endless remedies to promote hair growth. The most popular are those for topical use, but the hair needs to be nourished from the inside as well.

Foods like fish, yogurts and oats, eaten regularly, provide the protein balance necessary for good hair health.

Avoid excessive use of chemicals that weaken hair fibers. Give your hair the attention and care it deserves.

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