How To Fight Migraine Naturally?

Migraine is more common in women, but men can also suffer from it. It is likely that they are hereditary, but that certain specific triggers are at the origin of their appearance.

To be able to fight migraine, we need to know what it is exactly, as well as its origin and its different phases.

In this article, we will offer you solutions to fight migraine in a simple and natural way. Especially by  avoiding the excessive use of drugs that will cause us to suffer from other side effects later.

What is a migraine?

The migraine is a disease characterized by regular and repetitive occurrence of severe and severe headaches. They are often felt on only one side of the head. And are sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting and hypersensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine attacks can last between 4 and 72 hours. It is more common in women. The pain is due to vasodilation or an increase in the size of the arteries in the  brain .

Many people who suffer from migraines claim that they are also common in their own families. That is why it is shown that hereditary factors play an important role in its appearance .

Factors that cause migraine

It is essential to identify the factors that can trigger migraine. Here are the most common factors:

  • Menstrual cycles. Migraine appears a few days before menstruation. Since we cannot avoid this situation, we will tell you how to relieve the symptoms at the end of this article.
  • Stress and tension. Anxiety and stress also greatly worsen headaches.
  • Alcohol. Due to the reduction of fluids in the brain, alcohol abuse triggers migraine.
  • Fasting. Not having eaten and being hungry can cause a seizure.
  • Food coloring and preservatives. Especially those that contain monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer, normally found in canned foods.
  • Environmental factors. Like for example loud noises or very bright lights.
  • Impaired sleep. Sleeping too much, like too little, is associated with headaches.
  • Strong odors.  Volatile substances like perfumes, among others, can trigger migraine.

The phases of migraine

Here are the four phases of migraine: 

  • First, we find the prodromal phase. The  symptoms occurring within hours or even days before the crisis (such as blurred vision, irritability, etc.).
  • The aura is the second phase.  It is characterized by symptoms which precede the onset of pain but which last less than the prodromes (between 20 and 60 minutes). These symptoms stop at some point and they appear during the third phase.
  • The third phase, also called the headache phase,  marks the onset of the headache. It is a mild pain at the beginning, but intense afterwards and lasts a long time. The person needs to shut himself up in the dark and remain silent.
  • Finally, during the last phase or resolution phase, the pain gradually decreases until it disappears completely.

After the crisis has passed, patients feel tired and drowsy. They need some time before they can get back to their daily activities.

Natural medicine to fight migraine

Among the natural remedies we find essential oils that help improve symptoms and fight migraine. Here is how to use them:

  • Head massages. You  have to choose between the essential oils of rosemary, lemon balm, chamomile or lavender. Add a few drops of the chosen oil to olive oil. You can then massage the temple with the prepared oil.
  • Foot baths. Add 3 or 4 drops of mint essential oil to a container filled with lukewarm water and dip your feet in it.
  • Relaxation techniques.  Lie down or try yourself in  comfort. Then do deep breathing exercises. Feel the lungs fill and empty. Concentrate quietly on your heartbeat without thinking about anything until the heartbeat subsides.

Yoga, meditation and body massages can also help us fight migraine.

Which plants can help us fight migraine?

rosemary for migraine

Thanks to their various properties, the following plants help us to relieve the very annoying symptoms and thus help to fight migraine. Remember not to exceed the recommended dose!

  • Rosemary : This plant calms the pain of menstruation and therefore, migraine. Prepare an infusion with a spoonful of rosemary flowering tops, and drink two cups a day.
  • Valerian : It has relaxing and sedative properties, which is why it relaxes the nervous system and the brain. Take an infusion of 15 grams of the root of the plant, after letting it sit overnight.
  • Passionflower : This is an herb that improves symptoms of anxiety and stress. It is necessary to make an infusion by adding two spoons of the dried plant to half a liter of water. you can drink two small cups a day.
  • Mint : It has a relaxing action on the central nervous system. Prepare an infusion with a spoonful of flowering mint tops in each cup of water. Drink two cups a day.

To prevent migraine, it is essential to have a good healthy diet, to rest the necessary one and especially to avoid the factors which trigger it.

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