I Also Had A Toxic And Harmful Relationship

It doesn’t hurt to realize that we are in a toxic relationship. On the other hand, it is not to want to change the situation out of fear or dependence. We all deserve to be happy, no strings attached.

I too suffered from a toxic and harmful relationship which destroyed me as a person  and which destroyed all the good that there was in me. The worst part was that it was such a toxic situation that I came to believe it was all my fault.

I often compare a toxic relationship to drug addiction. Even if you know that it is hurting you, that it is not positive for you, in a way you end up justifying its use.

It would be hypocritical to say that you can get out of it easily. This is not the case. It’s not days, months… Sometimes whole years go by until you are able to open your eyes, forgive yourself, and move on.

When that moment arrives, you realize that it wasn’t as hard as you might have thought. However, there was something in you that forced you to stay in this unpleasant environment.

A toxic relationship destroys you completelytoxic relationship

We cannot reduce toxic relationships to one type, for there are many different kinds.

Here are a few examples:

  • Toxic relationship by dependence. The person cannot live without his / her partner, that is why he / she is constantly looking for a companion / companion. Without him / her, she feels empty and her life is meaningless.
  • Toxic relationship through abuse. One of the members of the couple suffers from physical abuse or psychological abuse on the part of the other. The victim thinks it is all her fault.
  • Toxic relationship based on lies. Without trust, a couple cannot move forward unless one member doesn’t realize the lies (or if they do, they accept them).
  • Toxic relationship based on idealization. Sooner or later the person we put on a pedestal falls. Then arise disappointments, disillusions and disenchantment.
  • Toxic relationship based on absorption. They are also called “energy thieves”, these people who approach you, absorb all the good in you and when they are finished, they abandon you.

In all of these cases of toxic relationships you are the victim. You break, you destroy, you crack from the inside until you erase yourself. This way the other person can manipulate you.

You no longer know who you are, to begin to be what the other wants you to be. You forgot yourself, you even lost the respect you had for yourself before. It’s time to find him, don’t you think?

We can get out of a toxic relationship

As we said before, you can get out of a toxic relationship. The big problem is that it won’t be a drastic and immediate change. He will need time.

You have lived under the yoke of the person you loved for a long time. A dynamic of life that has permeated you very well.

Getting out of it is difficult, but not impossible. You only need to be aware of certain things.

To begin with, you need to realize that you are in a toxic relationship. You are not well, you see with your own eyes how your partner is lying to you, manipulating you and that you depend on him / her …

Once this step is over, which is not as easy as it seems, it is time to realize that this must change.

We don’t know when it will happen because, even with all our willpower, we will fall back into it several times.

However, our subconscious has already assimilated that this situation is not eternal. One day, not far away, its end will come.

But that’s not all. You must forge your own path with your actions, and no longer accept what you approved of until then. So, let’s get to work!

The path to hope

I said at the beginning that I had lived a toxic and harmful relationship. However, just like me, many other people suffered from it.

A relationship based on addiction that allowed all my joy, happiness and motivation to end up in the hands of another individual.

The relationship with my partner has become a vicious cycle full of negativity. There was no escape, although I did spot a small and faint glimmer of hope every now and then.

I spent a long time under the yoke of anxiety, desperate to accomplish what I saw clearly from a distant and cautious eye.

It was the best time for my allies. The day I least expected it all ended. I got up with a new, changed look.

The ordeal in which I had immersed myself was coming to an end.


Don’t be afraid of being in a toxic relationship. Just as we make mistakes, we can fall into harmful relationships that we unwittingly find ourselves in.

Be aware of what is happening and try to learn from your mistakes. Do not be in a hurry, because all teaching takes time.

In the end, you will open your eyes and you can start over.

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