Tips For Eliminating Toxins And Improving Your Immune System

Detoxification is a natural process carried out by the liver, the largest of all our internal organs.

What does “flushing out toxins” really mean to you? The majority of people think of it as fasting, dieting or deep cleansing.

If these actions can help you flush toxins from your body, it will only be for a short time.

In addition, these practices can have consequences and unwanted effects, such as dehydration, anxiety or fatigue.

This is why, in this article, we are going to teach you some tips to eliminate toxins, and improve your immune system, thanks to a list of purifying foods, which will help you to set up this process.

The detoxification process

Detoxification is, in fact, a natural process carried out by the liver, the largest of all of our internal organs.

Unfortunately, it can be overworked, because toxins are present everywhere: in the air we breathe, on floors, in water, in food, in the office, in public transport, etc. .

All of this weakens our body’s ability to fight to detoxify itself.

And a weak detox system allows many chronic diseases to develop (such as heart disease, obesity, cancer, or autoimmune diseases).

To avoid the accumulation of toxins, it is recommended to eat healthy foods, and to avoid exposure to these toxins.

It is therefore necessary to adopt a lifestyle much healthier than those currently in force in Western societies.

How to eliminate toxins and strengthen your natural defenses?

Eat more cruciferous fruits and vegetables

This food group allows the body to produce more purifying enzymes.

For example, broccoli contains sulforaphane, which creates an increase in detox enzymes, and helps prevent cancer, as well as premature aging.

Other purifying foods that you can incorporate into your diet are:

  • The blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Apples
  • Papayas
  • Artichokes
  • The cards
  • Red beets
  • Spinach

Use condiments

Add herbs and spices like rosemary, cilantro and garlic to your cooking preparations.

It’s a simple way to add flavor to your meals, while increasing your natural defenses and detoxifying your body.

Allicin (contained in garlic), apigenin (contained in cilantro) and carnosol (contained in rosemary) are components that allow detox enzymes to do a more efficient job.


Use natural cleaning products

The products you use for the household must not contain chlorine. So choose non-toxic products, preferably organic labeled, to clean your home.

You can use vinegar, baking soda, or lemon, for example. This way you will avoid inhaling the worst chemicals that exist, and which are found in conventional cleaning products.

Pay attention to the air you breathe

Each house must be equipped with a carbon monoxide detector, and a fire alarm.

But they should also all have a radon kit. Indeed, prolonged exposure to this chemical, which seeps into homes through the earth, can cause lung cancer.

Also be very careful with poor cookware or ovens, which can emit carbon monoxide into the air.

If you are passing near a fire, or a factory that generates smoke through its chimneys, or even if you are walking in the center of a big city, try to wear a mask to protect yourself from all these harmful elements.

If you don’t like the idea of ​​walking with a mask on the street, at least avoid the busy avenues, and stay away from smokers!

Exercise at least three times a week

Physical activity increases the heart rate. This helps to circulate the blood well throughout the body, to deliver nutrients to all the organs, and to clean the wastes that could clog them.

Exercise has been shown to produce healthy changes in DNA. Investigators from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, studied healthy volunteers, who were instructed to ride a bicycle with only one leg.

Analyzes showed that the exercised leg developed new methylation patterns  associated with genes that regulate energy, inflammation, and the insulin response.

Fight fire with fire

Capsaicin is a chemical substance that produces heat, and is found in all kinds of peppers, such as jalapeños or cayenne pepper for example.

By stimulating blood circulation and metabolism, these foods allow the body to better flush out toxins.

It’s a solution for the more intrepid, but there is a gentler way to generate the same warmth effects, and the same increased circulation and metabolic rate, with foods like garlic, ginger, and more. the mustard.

Foods that help flush toxins and strengthen the immune system

While we’ve listed a few in our tips above, it’s important to know that there are other foods that are great for the immune system.

Take note of all the foods that should not be missing from your daily diet:

The tomato

Rich in vitamin C, the tomato helps strengthen the natural defenses, and therefore prevent disease.

It also contains lycopene, a phytochemical that protects the body from cancers of the stomach, lungs and prostate.

In addition, this delicious fruit helps protect the skin against the effects of sunlight.

Grapes to eliminate toxins

Grapes help cleanse the blood and intestines, strengthen the heart and lower cholesterol.

In addition, they have a diuretic and laxative effect. They also contain antioxidants that boost cardiovascular function and fight cancer.

It is advisable to choose red grapes, rather than white, because they help decrease the formation of blood clots, and are a great source of fiber, as well as potassium.

Celery to eliminate toxins

It eliminates the residues that accumulate in our body. In addition, it promotes intestinal transit (because it contains a lot of fiber), and improves blood circulation.

It also has vitamin C, and helps strengthen cell walls. 


Asparagus contains folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and beta-carotene.

They help strengthen cerebral function, as well as the nervous system. They prevent and fight cancer, as well as eye disorders.

Finally, asparagus have a recognized diuretic power, which allows toxins to be evacuated through urine.

Lemon to eliminate toxins

This citrus helps to cleanse and purify the body. Its vitamin C and antioxidant content makes it an excellent ally for our cellular health.

It also has the ability to stimulate the gallbladder, as well as digestive and liver functions.

Watercress eliminate toxins

Watercress contains 15 different vitamins and minerals. It is diuretic, helps purify the blood, prevents water retention, helps the liver to function properly, and improves skin health.

It has more calcium than milk, as much vitamin C as an orange, and more iron than spinach.

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