5 Tips To Wear Your Heels For Longer

Did you know that powdered talc in your shoes and on your feet could be the solution to avoid the pain caused by high heels?

High heels are, without a doubt, the ideal shoes when it comes to putting on your 31. However, as the hours go by, they can become painful. Don’t panic: today we’re revealing our top tips for wearing your heels for longer.

High heels make your legs look longer. Your more chic silhouette. And even make you look taller. All this makes us more confident, but also more elegant in the outfit of our choice.

However, many reported their negative aspects. Among other things, these can cause posture problems if worn too frequently or for too long.

It is on the second case that we will examine today. In order to avoid the discomfort they cause and the pain they make you suffer, today we are revealing our tips to be able to wear your heels for several hours without it turning into a nightmare.

5 tips to wear your heels for longer

With these simple suggestions, your shoes will no longer be an inconvenience during your long working days or during important events you attend.

1. Place them in the freezer

wear your heels

This secret is divided into two steps, apply the one that best suits the time you have. The fastest way is to put your shoes in a plastic bag, then put them in the freezer.

If you have more time, place two plastic bags filled with water inside the shoes, then leave them in the freezer until the water is frozen. The shoes will widen a bit and not be as tight when you use them. In addition, they will be softer to the touch and will not scratch less easily.

2. Use heel pads

They could be a divine invention. The pads in the heels and toes are a great help when it comes to pain relief.

While this isn’t a quick fix, we recommend keeping a pair in your purse, if needed.

3. Tape your toes

According to legend, if you tape the third and fourth toe of your foot — using a tape, for example — you can wear your heels all day without suffering the consequences. Of course, many are suspicious of the truthfulness of this advice, yet many women say it has been of great help to them.

  • The explanation put forward is that the nerves are in these two toes. Tied together, this nerve ending no longer bifurcates and would allow your feet to better withstand the pressure exerted on the forefoot when wearing heels.

In any case, it costs nothing to try. As if it were an urban legend, this advice comes up frequently in a conversation when one of the participants complains about the pain caused by her heels.

4. Sprinkle talcum powder on your feet

wear your heels

Putting a little talcum powder on the inside of your shoes could also help. In this way, you will prevent the sweat and humidity generated from adding further inconvenience to an uncomfortable pair of shoes. This delicate combination often results in painful blisters.

You should also not neglect to take care of your feet. Regularly use moisturizer to firm the skin on your feet; Remember that blisters and calluses form more easily on dry skin.

5. Sand your soles

Often times, and especially when the shoes are new, you will need to apply extra pressure when you walk. Indeed, the soles of new shoes are generally a little slippery ; this gives rise to possible falls that are sometimes dangerous.

How to cope ? There are various options: the first is to file the sole using sandpaper for example, so that it is a little rougher. Another option would be to scratch the sole using a pair of scissors. Of course, it is not about tearing these shoes, but only about scratching the surface of the sole.

Finally, you can also moisten the sole with a sweet soft drink. If you don’t have one on hand, water mixed with lemon juice and sugar will do. Thanks to this mixture, the soles of your shoes will be sticky and you will be able to avoid slipping for longer.

By using these few tips, you will be able to wear your heels longer and the pain will not spoil your days or your nights. No more evening returns with your heels in hand, test these various options to find the one that suits you best. And say goodbye to sore shoes!

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