Do You Know All About Cholesterol? 5 Important Characteristics

To achieve a balance in our cholesterol levels, it is not enough only to take care of your diet. It is also necessary to practice physical activity and avoid bad habits, such as tobacco or alcohol.

Sometimes, when we are diagnosed with high cholesterol, we are surprised. How can I have cholesterol when I am eating well and not being overweight?

Today, many people have misconceptions about this disease. Indeed, it does not appear only in overweight people, and does not necessarily appear at a certain age.

This silent enemy of our hearts appears when we least expect it.

Worst of all is that we do not perceive it because it does not show obvious symptoms until the first warning arrives: heart failure, heart attack …

It is necessary to carry out periodic check-ups with your doctor. It doesn’t matter whether we are 20, 40 or 60 years old. Because prevention is life, because being informed means having the tools to manage these diseases.

We cannot forget that heart disease and complications are the number one cause of death today.

Let’s discover here a series of data which are very useful.

1. Where does cholesterol come from?

We are used to hearing the word “cholesterol” with fear, but what is it really? Where is he from ?

  • First of all, you should know that cholesterol is not bad. Its excesses are counterproductive but it is a type of fat essential for the formation of cells in our body.
  • The moment these production levels are too high, they accumulate in one place. Our arteries are becoming, for example, one of the most preferred and also the most dangerous storage areas.
  • Likewise, it is also formed in the liver. Which causes a small problem: we also provide our part of cholesterol, through food. 
  • That is, our body gets cholesterol in two ways: through the liver and the unhealthy foods that we like so much.

It is necessary to start controlling the consumption of those foods that raise its level. This is also the case in children.

Cholesterol and the liver.

2. Good and bad cholesterol

We hear this very often: there is good and bad cholesterol. The key is to find the right balance between the two and above all, not to exceed the limit of 200 mg / dl.

Let’s take a closer look at what this distinction between the two types of cholesterol means.

  • The good cholesterol and HDL is responsible for carrying cholesterol from the arteries to the liver to eliminate it. So, if in your case this level is a little higher, there is no risk.

It is positive as long as the bad cholesterol never exceeds the barrier of 200 mg / dl.

  • Bad cholesterol or LDL, on the other hand, has the task of transporting cholesterol from the liver to the organs. It’s a good job because what he’s looking for is repairing cell membranes.

However, the problem arises when there is an excess. Because, in this case, it will accumulate.

3. Cholesterol and the genetic component

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a reality that should not be overlooked. We are talking about a disease which is transmitted from parents to children and which can cause, for example, a heart attack at an early age.

Balanced meal with the family.

  • This is not something anecdotal, but a reality of great importance. If your parents suffer from high cholesterol, you should consult.
  • Familial hypercholesterolemia is caused by a defect in chromosome 19. This small alteration means that our body is unable to eliminate bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood, to the point of accumulating large quantities.
  • Familial hypercholesterolemia can also prevent its levels from being lowered. There is strong resistance. However, the medication offers good results.
  • This disease can cause a heart attack in a person under the age of 40. If you don’t have regular tests, cholesterol can build up and cause death.

4. Plant sterols

There are people who believe that by consuming meals prepared with plant sterols that are found on the market, we eradicate cholesterol.

  • Let me be clear: sterols help, but they are not the solution.
  • In the “White Paper on Plant Sterols”, we are told that consuming between 1.5 and 2.4 grams of these elements each day helps us to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by 7-10% after three weeks. .

So, to achieve a proper balance in our cholesterol levels, we need to put into practice more strategies.

Effect of nuts in cholesterol.

5. Sometimes good nutrition is not enough

Increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is not enough if, for example, one continues to smoke. Reducing the amount of sugar or saturated fat will not be enough if our weight continues to increase.

  • Consider that when cholesterol plaques have already hardened our arteries, we need more strategies and time to regain inner balance.
  • To a good diet, we must add sport, stay active and change certain habits.
  • Quitting smoking, having a more active life and knowing, for example, the number of calories that we should consume according to our physical activity and our body is essential.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor about this. Taking care of your cholesterol is life. Don’t put it off until tomorrow.

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