10 Exercises To Reduce Abdominal Fat

New year, new season, new clothes, or just for our health, we all have a good reason for wanting to get rid of our abdominal fat . Here are 10 simple and effective exercises to do this.

When trying to reduce abdominal fat, we must be patient, regular with the exercises and combine them with a suitable diet to achieve the best results.

With the days getting milder it is likely that we have realized that some of the clothes that were suitable for us last season are no longer in our size.

If your belly is rounded, we have suggested some exercises to reduce abdominal fat, which you can do at home without problems.

Exercise routine 1 to reduce abdominal fat

As a first measure, before any physical activity, it is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet.

To reduce belly fat, you will need to consume less sugars and carbohydrates and exercise more regularly (at least 3 times per week).

If you don’t have the time or the will to go to the gym, don’t worry, we’ve got the perfect home routine for you:

Leg lift

Lie on your back on a mat.

  • Put your hands under your buttocks and then stretch your legs well.
  • Then lift them at the same time with the tips of the feet aligned with the knees (as if you are pointing your toes towards the roof).
  • The legs should be perpendicular to the ground.
  • Finally, lower them without touching the heels on the ground. Do 20 repetitions.

Leg and hip lift

The initial position of this exercise begins where the previous one ends.

  • This means that to begin with your legs will be raised and perpendicular to the floor.
  • Then you will continue to lift them back, so that your feet are above the imaginary line of your head. This will raise the hips.
  • Do 30 repetitions.

Hands to ankles

An exercise that requires coordination and flexibility (which will increase with practice).

  • Lie on your back on a mat and then stretch your legs by lifting them up as in the previous exercises.
  • You will need to keep them taut, which will work your torso.
  • Then try to touch your ankles with your hands (do it up to your knees at first).
  • Finally swing your arms and abs towards the ankles. Repeat 30 times.

Circles with legs

  • Also lying on the mat, straighten your legs and put your arms at your sides.
  • Open the legs outward, then move them so that you draw circles with them.
  • Do 20 reps and then do the same inward.

Sheathing and obliques

sheathing and obliques to reduce abdominal fat

The exercise known as “core” is very effective in burning fat in the abdomen. Although it is very difficult and somewhat painful the results are more than interesting.

There are of course many variations such as the one that includes moving the body to the sides.

  • The points of support are the toes, elbows, forearms and hands.
  • The rest of the body should swing from side to side without touching the ground.
  • Do the most movements in a minute.

Routine 2 of exercises to reduce abdominal fat

In order to avoid getting bored and to be able to work well this very complicated area to promote fat loss, we offer you another series of exercises to say goodbye to a rounded belly:

Lateral sheathing

  • Lie on the mat on your right side with your legs straight.
  • You can rest the soles of your feet on a wall or piece of furniture until you get used to the exercise.
  • Then put the elbow and forearm on the floor and lift the hips.
  • To balance the body put the left elbow above the head.
  • Hold for a few seconds and switch sides.
  • Try to do 5 side raises.

Oblique abdominals

oblique abdominals to reduce abdominal fat

Lie on your back and bend your knees (press the soles of the feet on the floor).

  • Cross the right ankle over the left thigh.
  • Then put your left hand behind your head and lift your torso to touch the raised knee.
  • Do 20 repetitions and do the same on the other side.

Vertical scissors

It is an exercise widely used in pilates which serves to strengthen the internal muscles and the lower abdomen.

  • Lying on your back on the mat, straighten your legs and put your hands under your buttocks.
  • Then lift the right as much as you can and, while lowering it, lift the left.
  • The movement is similar to a scissor (hence the name) or an “up and down” movement.
  • Then do 20 deadlifts on each leg.


  • Also on your back on the mat, put your arms at your sides.
  • Bend your knees and support the soles of your feet.
  • Then lift the hips so that the torso “comes off” the ground.
  • The points in contact with the ground are the head, shoulders, arms and feet. The rest stays in the air, forming a bridge or a triangle.
  • After a few seconds in this position lower slowly, without touching the mat with the buttocks. Do 30 repetitions.

Lunges with torso twist

This variant of the exercise not only works the legs, but also the abdominals. They can be done with or without weight (the dumbbells are taken in the hands).

  • Standing with your back straight, take a step forward with the left leg and bend the knee so that the body “goes down”. The right leg should remain straight and the knee towards the ground.
  • Then turn the torso to the right.
  • Come back to the center and then return to the initial posture. Repeat on each leg 20 times.

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