Bananas Do Not Make You Fat… Discover Their 10 Virtues!

They are good for the skin, for the digestive system, to boost morale, to fight against anemia and in addition, they are satiating! There is no reason to exclude them from your diet.

For years, bananas have been thought to cause weight gain because it is a fruit that contains a lot of calories and sugars.

However, this bad reputation must now disappear, because it has been shown that it is a very complete food which, thanks to its nutritional richness, can be incorporated into any type of diet. 

Today, many people consume it regularly, because in addition to their nutritional virtues, bananas increase the feeling of well-being.

So, so that you no longer hesitate to enjoy this fruit, we reveal to you in the rest of this article the 10 most important virtues of bananas.

1. Bananas boost digestive health

Bananas contain a significant amount of fiber, the effect of which in the body encourages bowel movement, thus fighting against constipation, as experts claim . However, it is important to consume them when they are fully ripe in order to avoid their astringent effect.

Bananas also work as a natural remedy for ulcers because they neutralize acids and calm irritation. They are also used to protect the intestinal system against attack by certain bacteria that cause gastrointestinal problems.

Their fructooligosaccharides act as prebiotics, supplements that feed beneficial bacteria in the gut and produce digestive enzymes, thereby promoting proper absorption of nutrients.

2. They strengthen the muscles

Thanks to their high potassium content , bananas help strengthen muscles while promoting recovery after a workout. Their mineral content helps to recover the electrolyte balance.

3. They fight against fatigue

The feeling of fatigue and fragility can be combated with bananas. It is a natural conditioner that increases energy while providing essential nutrients to the body.

Their ingestion is very suitable for people who are very thin or who suffer from health problems that weaken their physical health.

4. Bananas are good for blood pressure

One of the reasons that prevent blood pressure levels from being controlled is the excess sodium in the body and the lack of potassium to eliminate this excess.

Fortunately, this fruit provides significant amounts of this mineral, an interesting virtue for patients who suffer from hypertension, as explained in this article published in the journal Nutrients. However, this relationship still needs more study.

5. They reduce cardiovascular risk

Bananas for the heart.

Controlling blood pressure is not the only benefit that bananas have on the cardiovascular system. Their properties help to keep the heart rate stable and thanks to their fibers, they regulate the levels of bad cholesterol, thus preventing the hardening of the blood vessels.

Moreover, regular fiber consumption is associated with an improvement in the lipid profile and a reduction in cardiovascular risk, as explained in the scientific literature.

6. They bring a feeling of satiety

Instead of making you fat, bananas support weight loss diets. This comes from the fact that it is a satiating food, thanks to its significant contribution of carbohydrates and fiber.

Eating them at times of food compulsion helps to calm hunger.

7. They beautify the skin

The vitamins and minerals they contain are good for your health. These nutrients are useful in nourishing masks and for nourishing the skin.

Their antioxidant properties slow down cell damage and help repair tissues, thus preventing the early appearance of wrinkles.

8. They fight against anemia

Bananas against anemia.

Bananas are high in iron, a mineral essential for increasing the production of hemoglobin in the blood, a key factor in dealing with anemia.

The absorption of this mineral is best when ingested with vitamin C. So it is good to consume bananas with oranges.

9. Bananas improve morale

There are people who say that bananas are better than antidepressant drugs. They taste delicious, cause no side effects and provide benefits to the whole body.

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain and thus improves morale while preventing insomnia and providing a feeling of well-being.

Moreover, used with melatonin, this amino acid improves the quality of sleep, as explained in this article published in the journal  The Journal of International Advanced Otology.

10. Benefits for the nervous system

A banana tea or a whole banana provides the body with good amounts of B vitamins, which are essential for calming the nervous system.

Bananas are a good source of nutrients

In conclusion, you can afford to eat several bananas per week: it will not make you gain weight. Eat them raw or in the form of smoothies. You can also take advantage of the properties of their skin to prepare a hydrating infusion. 

Eat more bananas, and you’ll find they are great health allies. Enjoy it!

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