What You Do Is Never Enough For Many People. So What ?

Sometimes nothing you do will be good enough or meet the expectations of those around you but you know what? The only ones you need to meet are your own expectations!

For many people, nothing you do will be good enough, and you feel like less than nothing to them when it’s not true. These are very destructive situations, especially if the people who subject us to their expectations are our family or our spouse.

These personality profiles have a very concrete objective: to control us and impose their strict patterns of behavior and values ​​on us.

Believe it or not, these types of relationship dynamics abound enormously in our society. There is always a loved one, friend or coworker for whom what we do or say is never good enough.

Far from understanding our life based on how others react, it is necessary to break this unnecessary bond of suffering as soon as possible.

In this article, we tell you how to do that.

Not Everything You Do Will Be Enough For Many: 3 Steps To Break Free

The practice of emotional openness, active listening, or reciprocity is not something that abounds in droves in our society.

So much so that we have to understand that we are extremely complicated and that we do not all understand in the same way what is called “respect”.

Behind each of us, there is an infinity of dimensions that we must take into account.

  • Fears: These limiting attitudes which sometimes make us want to control others so as not to lose them.

In addition, it is frequent, moreover, that fear forces us to humiliate those around us in order to obtain power. To reassert ourselves and hide what overwhelms us: so that they realize how low our self-esteem is.

  • The way we were educated. This is a fundamental aspect. Growing up without a healthy bond that offers us security, without someone who teaches us what respect is, causes us to lack personal and emotional strategies.
  • Our personal interests. Our selfishness and our aspirations. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how we were educated. There are people who wish to control their surroundings and establish a power play centered on their own person.

what you do

All of this shows us something very simple. The human being is very skilled when it comes to wearing armor. No one knows what is behind these thick shells.

However, the harder the armor, the harder the being below it.

In this article, we explain how to defend yourself against these people for whom, whatever you do, nothing is ever good enough.

Your priorities are not my priorities

We are sure that at some point you experienced the following. One day you realize that what is valuable to you is not to others. If you choose to be a vegetarian, for example, your family will laugh at you.

If you come home with a new partner, your family blames you for so-called “you deserve better”. Instead of feeling humiliated, there are a few things you need to understand:

  • Each person has a different view of themselves. However, there are those who, instead of respecting themselves and allowing themselves to be what they want in front of their peers, prefer to impose themselves. Because they think their truth is above that of others.

It’s not good. So, whenever you get caught up in these situations, think about the following things:

  • We are not satellites that revolve around a planet: we are people with the right to live in our own universe, with dignity.
  • No one has the right to impose a certain way of being happy on you.

What makes me happy is good for me

If what you do, what you say or what you stand for makes you happy, nothing else matters. Your choices define you and each step you take weaves a path that belongs only to you, and no one else.

  • So if others don’t accept or criticize your choices, that’s their problem, not yours. The one who lives in your flesh is you, and not the others. It is important to be aware of ourselves and our needs. 
  • If we only live to please to adjust to what the rest expects of us, our life is meaningless. Building happiness takes courage, it takes knowing yourself and fighting for what you deserve.

Life is too short to live the way others want

We can do something wrong, without a doubt, and those who love us will help us improve. However, who criticizes us, blames us for our choices, humiliates us and ridicules us does not help us. He destroys us.

  • If you have someone by your side who acts this way, understand that they won’t change. It’s very difficult for someone who is unable to empathize or act reciprocally suddenly change.
  • We have no other remedy than to be aware of something essential: life is too short to be unhappy. Make yourself a priority in your life. If for that person everything you do is never enough, accept it and walk away from them.

what you do

You know you are doing things right because you are doing them your way and in accordance with your personality and your values. Let no one break this balance, let no one dare to undermine your self-esteem.

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