Apple Scab, A Miracle Cure For Women

Apple scab has antioxidant properties, but it also acts as a hormonal regulator and relieves menstrual problems. It is a very effective ingredient against infertility.

Apple scab ( Lepidium meyenii ) is a plant that grows in the central region of Peru, in very inhospitable areas, above 3500 meters above sea level in the heart of the Andes Cordillera.

Under these conditions, there are very few plant species that can survive.

Recently, the multiple properties of this Andean root full of surprises have spread all over the world, because it is a very energetic plant, which acts as an endocrine regulator.

Its qualities make apple scab a food particularly recommended for women who suffer from hormonal disorders, but also for athletes who seek to improve their performance and their physical recovery process.

Apple scab contains protein, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins (B1, B2, B6), minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Thanks to its nutritional compounds, apple scab has many properties for our health:

  • It contributes to energy recovery and reduces the feeling of fatigue.
  • It increases vitality.
  • In addition, it develops libido in men, as in women.
  • It is a very effective hormonal regulator (especially for the hypothalamus and the pituitary).
  • It improves fertility disorders, in both men and women.
  • It relieves problems related to menstrual cycles in women (dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain, discomfort during menstruation, menopause-related disorders, etc.).
  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it delays aging, effects which are particularly noticeable on the skin.
  • It strengthens the hair.
  • It contributes to the fortification of the bones.
  • In addition, it relieves chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, because it increases natural adrenaline.
  • It is an ideal supplement against stress.
  • It decreases bone and muscle pain such as rheumatism, arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • It increases cerebral circulation, which helps boost memory and concentration.

How to consume apple scab?

You can take it in tablet or powder form. The powder is perhaps more convenient to use, as it is easier to control the dose that one takes in.

It is advisable to start with small amounts, and increase as you go, because it is very energizing. You should only consume it in the morning.

  • The ideal dose is around 3 grams per day (approximately one level teaspoon of scab).
  • To treat important and acute disorders, such as infertility for example, you can consume between 6 and 9 grams per day.
  • Children should only consume half of the recommended dose. It is important to control the dose they absorb, so as not to over-stimulate them.
  • It can be consumed mixed in a glass of fruit juice for example.
apple scab

The rediscovery of the restorative, fortifying, energizing and homeostatic properties of apple scab, strongly boosted demand.

It is ideal to consume it regularly in a juice, to accompany your meals, or simply to refresh yourself on a hot day.

Although some of its benefits may take a short time to appear, if you want the most profound changes in your body (like regulating your hormones, for example), you should consume it for at least 3 months.

Then get yourself analyzed by a specialist to check your state of health. Keep in mind that the effects of scab may last over time, but if you stop using it.

Some contraindications

It is always important to consult a naturopath before consuming a natural dietary supplement for a long time.

If you have high blood pressure, seek professional advice before ingesting it.

Be sure to control the dose of scab you consume, so as not to over-boost your immune system.

Images of Food Thinkers

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