8 Reasons To Avoid Consuming Processed Foods

Excessive consumption of processed foods can cause inflammation and excess toxins in the body. It is essential to avoid this kind of food in order not to favor the appearance of chronic diseases.

The dangers of processed foods are nothing new. There have been many calls for consumers to learn more about these kinds of foods. This is a problem that has existed for years because of the interests of the food industry.

It is of course possible to find very good quality food. But most of those found in supermarkets are full of unhealthy substances. Why is it so important to avoid these kinds of foods?

Processed foods look appetizing and are found in a diet in different ways. But  it’s the manufacturing process that leads to the use of unhealthy preservatives and chemical additives.

In addition, most of these foods lack any of the essential nutrients and contain far too many calories.

What are the dangers of processed foods?

Processed food includes all food products that have undergone industrial processing. Through a series of chemical processes,  attractive characteristics for the consumer are added, such as taste or texture.

dangers of processed foods

Companies that make these kinds of products sell them as the best option for fast and healthy eating.

However, the list of ingredients contains artificial components that undergo a transformation process that can cause unwanted effects in the body. So what are these effects?

1. They are addictive

The interest of the food industry is clear: to produce more to sell more. This is why it is in the interest of using a wide variety of chemical additives which will cause an addictive effect in consumers.

In natural foods, the components of each food have the role of leading to satiety. On the other hand, it is the opposite for processed products, since they will stimulate the release of dopamine, a substance that will make people feel good without being really fed.

2. Foods that promote obesity

Obesity is one of the great public health evils these days. In some cases, this is due to genetics. However, in most cases it is eating habits and the consumption of processed products that are responsible for obesity.

Processed foods are loaded with sugars, saturated fat, and simple carbohydrates which will enhance the body’s tendency to accumulate fat. On the other hand, they contain chemicals like monosodium glutamate and corn juice, both of which are linked to overweight and obesity.

3. They affect the body’s pH

One of the great dangers of processed food is that it does not follow the principles of food composition. Because of this, the body  cannot take advantage of the nutrients, which will cause acidification of the blood and therefore can be extremely dangerous for the health.

woman tired from processed food

By causing an imbalance in the body’s pH, toxins will increase in the blood, promoting the appearance of several diseases related to inflammation. Thus, the metabolism is altered and weight gain takes place.

4. Food that alters the intestinal flora

The excess acids found in these products tend to alter the activity of healthy microorganisms that live in the intestine.  Therefore, the possibilities of suffering from serious illnesses and digestive infections increases dramatically.

5. Processed ingredients cause depression and irritability

While organic foods promote emotional well-being, processed foods negatively affect state of mind. Regular consumption of this type of food will cause attacks of depression, anxiety and irritability.

6. They increase the risk of suffering from chronic diseases

Cold meats and other processed foods release inflammatory substances into the blood that can cause several chronic diseases.

Since they accelerate the deterioration of cells, these foods can ultimately influence the onset of pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis or even cancer.

7. They affect heart health

The heart system can also be damaged from this type of food. These products are “cocktails” of substances harmful to the heart and blood circulation.

heart pain caused by processed foods

The majority of processed foods contain saturated fat and are also high in sodium. These are two agents responsible for the onset of disorders such as hypertension and cholesterol.

Regular consumption of processed foods can also promote the onset of atherosclerosis or heart attacks.

8. They promote premature aging

The chemicals found in these foods are identified by the body as toxins. Thanks to the functioning of the excretory organs, many toxins are eliminated through perspiration and urine for example.

Unfortunately, these will build up excessively in the blood if one consumes too much processed food.  These particles will then deteriorate the cells and accelerate the aging process.

What are the most common processed foods?

As we said before, this type of food floods supermarkets.Once you know the dangers that their consumption involves, it is therefore fundamental to know how to identify them. In the rest of this article, here is a list of these foods:

  • Cold cuts
  • Cereals in boxes
  • Industrial bread and pastries
  • Canned foods
  • Industrial sauces and condiments
  • Soft drinks and soft drinks
  • Savory and sweet snacks
  • Pop corn

Were you aware of all the dangers of processed foods? As you can see, they are dangerous for your body. Limit them as much as possible, and choose ingredients of organic origin.

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