Do Chores Count As Physical Activity?

Even though it can help us burn calories, housework cannot be the only physical exercise we do because it is not intense enough.

Housewives, or those who work outdoors but clean their homes on weekends, have no excuse not to be physically active. A study recently revealed that household chores do not count as a sport.

If you’ve ever wondered if household chores consist of physical activity, don’t hesitate to read this article to break some myths, and learn a little more.

Household chores are not a sport

Maybe some people have done contests with brooms and sponges before, but that’s not enough to call them sportsmen.

Household chores cannot be thought of as physical activity, as it must be done intentionally (going to the mall and counting that as a walk works in this case).

Physical activity requires certain expenditure of energy and must be produced by all the muscles in the body.  This is not the case when you wash your windows or when you scrub your dishes. Or at least that’s what a study from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland indicates.

It is true that, in some cases, some people do not have time to play sports and opt for home activities like climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator, shopping on a bicycle instead of there. go by car etc.

In the case of household chores, while they can help us burn calories, they cannot be the only source of exercise for the day or week.

Going to the gym for half an hour a day is not the same as sweeping the house for 30 minutes.  We should spend a lot more ourselves doing them so that the household chores become beneficial for our body.

You will not lose weight by doing only household chores, other activities are necessary. It also includes gardening and general house work (plumbing, electrical, etc.). Housework is not intense, or comprehensive, enough to be considered exercise.housework

Daily routine to lose weight at home

Housework can, despite all that has been said before, can fill some of the exercise and movement that the body needs to stay healthy. This is a good reason for those who refuse to take care of household chores to start doing it!

You can burn up to 500 calories in an intensive cleaning day, such as a move or repair. housework
This will help you work the muscles in your legs, arms, back, and make your abs more resilient (but don’t forget to hit the gym or practice one). We are going to give you some tips to make more movement when cleaning your interior:

Bend down to pick up items on the floor

Always keep your back straight by flexing your knees to get to the floor. If you want to exercise more, hold the position for 15 seconds. Do it in the children’s room, a great place for lots of toys to litter the ground, or in the garden to collect animal waste.

Contract your stomach as you sweep

When you sweep at home, you can tone your abs by contracting your stomach muscles and keeping your back straight. You need to bring the broom head as far away from you as possible, then bring it back close to your body. Sweep for five minutes and repeat the operation three times a day.

Cook while dancing

When preparing lunch or dinner, especially if you don’t like to cook, take the opportunity to put on some music.

Cooking takes you at least 30 minutes a day, during which time you have to be in the same standing position or looking for ingredients in the refrigerator and shelves. So, what could be better than putting on your favorite songs and starting to dance?

Move your whole body as you beat, cut (be careful with the knife), or knead. You will be able to burn up to 400 calories if you have to cook dinner for your family or guests.

Increase the pace of your household chores

Whatever housework you are doing, move more dynamically. Whether cleaning dishes, washing windows, dusting or washing the bathroom. You can also put on some upbeat music to move to the beat you’re listening to.housework

Wash windows inside and out

Your shoulders will thank you. Since this stain is not done every day, but rather once a week or even every fortnight, you will need all your might to clean the dirt off the windows.

If you do this activity for half an hour, without lowering your arms and with circular movements, you can burn up to 150 calories. The same advice applies for mirrors.

Take care of your garden

This is a great activity. Indeed, in addition to being in contact with nature in the open air, you will be able to do a little exercise.

To rake, do the same as for sweeping. Do some flexes to reap the rewards. Take a large enough container and lower yourself, keeping your back straight,  to water the plants.housework

Scrub the floor by hand

Take a good brush or sponge, a container with water, detergent and gloves, and wipe the stains off your floors. If you want to do it standing up, using a squeegee, do the same as sweeping or raking (this also applies to vacuuming the carpet).

Wash your car by hand

Along with saving money, you’ll get some exercise and avoid the summer heat. The movements should be ample when cleaning the roof (this will tone your back and arms) and you will be able to do flexes when cleaning the tires and the lower parts.

Do your laundry by hand

If the washing machine works well, not all the laundry in the house can be washed in it. Silk and cotton clothes, baby’s laundry or delicate laundry should be hand washed.

If you want to exercise, scrub the spots vigorously with a brush. A movement similar to that required to wash dirty dishes or pots.housework

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