5 Tips For Getting Rid Of Soap Scum In The Shower

While using certain products can help us remove soap scum from the shower, it is essential to clean frequent in this space to avoid accumulations of dirt.

It often happens that even after cleaning the bathroom, soap scum remains stuck to the tiles in the shower making that space in the house look ugly. However, there are many ways to eliminate these residues: we invite you to discover them below.

The bathroom, and especially the shower, is a room that is constantly exposed to humidity. As this is usually one of the least ventilated rooms in the house, it is normal for water and steam to generate certain problems, especially when it comes to cleaning.

One of them being the remnants of soap stuck to the walls. These, due to the lethal combination of moisture and the very makeup of this product, can prove to be a difficult problem to solve. Here are some tips to be able to do it anyway.

5 tips for removing soap scum in the shower

soap scum

1. Mixture of vinegar and detergent

This homemade solution will be more than effective in getting rid of this type of residue in your shower. Its use is very simple :

  • First, measure the two products in equal quantities in two cups.
  • Then put  the container with the apple cider vinegar in the microwave. This has antimicrobial properties which will also help kill germs from the bathroom.
  • Heat it for 30 seconds. It should be hot, but not boiling, so that it can be mixed with the heavy detergent.
  • Then prepare the mixture by adding the two products in a sprayer; cover and shake well to combine. Then apply it to the tiles and leave it on for half an hour.
  • The last thing to do is to run the sponge over the tiles to remove the soap scum. At the end of this step.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

2. Homemade mixture to remove soap and tartar

Through the use of certain products that you surely have at home, you can achieve excellent results in removing soap scum in the shower. To do this, you will need mint toothpaste, baking soda, dish soap, and lemon.


  • 2 tablespoons of toothpaste (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (18 g)
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of detergent (15 g)

How to proceed ?

  • First, you will need to mix the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Then, with a sponge, you will apply this mixture on the tiles.  It will also be very useful in removing tartar stains from faucets.
  • After leaving it on for a few minutes, you just have to rinse it off as before.
  • If you don’t have good ventilation in your bathroom, you can dry it with paper towels.

3. Baking soda and  vinegar

To create this very effective combination, you need to mix a cup of baking soda with vinegar. Add enough of the latter to create a thick paste.

Once the paste has finished bubbling, you need to apply it directly to the tiles using a sponge or cloth. Leave on for 20 or 30 minutes.

Finally, as with the other processes explained above, you will need to remove the dough using a soft sponge. After completing this step, it will suffice to rinse and dry.

4. Hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate  to remove soap scum in the shower

soap scum

With this simple mixture, you will leave your bathroom tiles shiny and without a single stain of soap. The preparation is as simple as the previous point: you will have to add the hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda in a container then mix until obtaining a paste.

Then you will apply this homemade product to the tiles and let it act for about 15 minutes. Once the soap has softened, you will run a soft brush over it to remove the residue and rinse thoroughly with water.

5. Commercial products

Today, there are many industrialized products on the market that have the ability to remove these residues. Their use is as practical and simple as those described previously: it is advisable to apply them, to let them rest, then to sponge them and rinse them.

Cleaning the bathroom well is investing in health and well-being

Removing soap scum from the bathroom can be done in no time with the tips we have discussed. Once you’re done, you can do the rest of the cleaning and leave everything spotless.

Keep in  mind that it is not advisable to allow cleaning for more than five days, as the bathroom is one of the areas of the house that collects more dirt in less time. And given its continued use, it requires proper maintenance. Otherwise, you risk your health.

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