Are The Sugars In Fruits Harmful?

Fruits contain a high amount of fiber which delays the absorption of sugar causing less pancreatic stress than with the consumption of processed foods.

Chemically, the sugars in fruits and those in sweets are the same; however, the health effects they cause are entirely different. In fact, most of us should eat more fresh fruit. We explain the reasons below.

The body processes natural fruit sugar differently, because the fiber in fruit minimizes the impact of glucose on the blood. When experts say that sugar consumption should be limited, they are talking about added sugars (cupcakes, candies, cereals, fruit juices, ketchup, sodas, etc.).

To talk about the science of sugars, it is essential to refer to the documentGuide to the consumption of sugars in adults and children ”, published in 2015 by the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is clear that the WHO clearly differentiates between two types of sugars, natural sugars – which are those found naturally in unmodified fruits and vegetables – and added sugars.

It is these that are linked to a higher risk of tooth decay and chronic disease. Therefore, specialists advise not to exceed 10% of our calorie intake in sugar. However, the WHO specifies that its recommendations do not apply to natural sugars.

Added sugars compared to natural sugars

There are many foods that naturally contain sugar in their composition or that are a source of nutrients which, after being assimilated, turn into sugars in the body.

Thus, fruits are a source of fructose, milk and its derivatives are a source of lactose, vegetables can have fructose in varying amounts as well as complex carbohydrates which, after digestion, are transformed into glucose for use by the body. ‘organization.

Glucose from fruits.
Many commonly eaten foods contain natural sugars in their composition.

With this concept, you should know that the vast majority of foods, with the exception of meats for example, have natural sugars in their composition.

On the other hand, there are countless foods or industrial products to which sugar is added during processing. This is done to accentuate the flavor, increase the energy supply or obtain other properties in the end result.

Cookies, some snacks and sweets contain sugars because these sugars come from foods handled by industry. Dependence on this substance improves the palatability of food. This addiction can lead to some addiction, according to an article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

What is its effect on the body?

When we talk about simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose or others, we must consider that in isolation they have the same effect on the body. Indeed, they are the energy substrate par excellence for the organism. But sugars as such are not always presented in isolation, but combine with other nutrients as part of a food.

So, the main difference is in the process that gives rise to glucose in the body, which largely depends on the other components of the food or product in question.

So, a soft drink does not contain any fiber, vitamins or minerals that are important for the body, and because it is liquid, it is easily digested, so its sugar also reaches the blood easily.

A vegetable, on the other hand, will offer healthy micronutrients, fiber, and a percentage of complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest and reach the bloodstream. Therefore, this natural food which also contains sugars is more satisfying, more nutritious and does not have a high glycemic index.

All the health benefits of fruits

The fruit helps us take care of the body, it helps to move and stimulate intestinal transit. It is easy to digest, it is very high in water and fiber, it contains no starches or dense fats, and its estimated digestion time is around 20 minutes.

A fruit salad.
Fruits contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, its regular consumption provides significant benefits to the body.

The fruit can even help with weight control. A study published in 2016 by Harvard Investigators suggested that the antioxidant flavonoids in fruit may have a positive effect on metabolism.

People who followed a diet rich in flavonoids were more likely to maintain their weight as they aged than people who did not consume foods rich in flavonoids. The fruits that seemed to be the most beneficial were apples, blackberries, and pears.

Another positive aspect of the fruit is that its soluble fiber stimulates the selective growth of the microbiota. This has health consequences, as it improves food metabolism and reduces the risk of developing obesity.

Fruits are an essential food

The sugars in fruits are not harmful to our health. So, focus on reducing the consumption of processed products. And remember, the jam is not a fruit, the juice is not a fruit. Of course, canned fruit or the typical peach in syrup isn’t either.

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