Knee Injury: 5 Simple And Effective Tips For Self-care

To overcome a knee injury or, in any case, not to make it worse, it is essential to maintain a healthy body weight so as not to not overload the joints.

Knee injury is one of the most common conditions in the majority of sports and not just in high performance athletes. Unfortunately, ligament sprains are very common or, in the worst case, meniscus tears. Find out what advice we give you in this article to prevent and treat a knee injury.

Here we share with you the most effective tips for regaining knee mobility through natural techniques and good habits.

Stay optimistic

knee injury: our recommendations

In the event of a knee injury, we need to slow down our daily pace and stop doing a lot of important things. This situation, if prolonged, can lead to a phase of discouragement and even depression. Will the pain be present for life? Either way, it is very important to maintain a positive attitude.

Courage in the face of adversity, a positive attitude and a fighting spirit are factors that will go a long way in helping us to recover in the best possible conditions. The mental fight against negative thoughts is long, as a full recovery can take up to 6 months, depending on the injury. Especially if we need surgery on the ligaments or the meniscus.

Any stimulus that helps us avoid falling into discouragement is a good option. We have to rely on family, couple or friends. It is essential to have to set goals and stick to them.

Tips for treating a knee injury

If we are suffering from inflammation or movement is causing us discomfort or pain, we should treat this problem as soon as possible. Many injuries could be avoided if we pay attention to the signals the body is sending us.

1. The use of heat

what to do in the event of a knee injury?

When cold, the knees suffer a lot from temperature changes. To counter the effects of cold, pain and inflammation can be greatly relieved by the application of direct heat. For example, with massages, water bags, knee warmers, etc.

Although it is true that, when the injury has just occurred, the use of cold is advised to avoid the inflammation and the pain, thereafter a daily application of heat is preferable. We will thus see a great improvement and we will speed up healing.

2. Watch out for flexions

The more weight we carry, the tighter the meniscus and ligaments must be. In fact, one of their functions is to cushion the loads generated between the tibia and the femur when bending the knees.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to your posture when bending over and lifting heavy objects. Instead of tilting your chest forward and keeping your legs straight, instead keep your spine straight as you bend down and stand up.

3. The importance of shoes

Wearing the wrong shoes can also make knee pain worse. If we have weakness or discomfort in the knees, we need to choose the most suitable shoes.

Shoes with a high heel or a sole that slants too far forward provide an unnatural tread. In this way, not only the knees suffer but the back as well. Flat shoes are not recommended either.

4. Neuromuscular bandage

In the past, immobilizing the knee during rehabilitation was a source of problems. However, nowadays we have at our disposal the neuromuscular bandage. This type of dressing helps prevent knee injuries in a different way.

With this characteristic brightly colored bandage, movement is partially limited and mobility is respected, while a micro-massage is performed. In addition, it provides a feeling of security and support.

5. Choosing the right sport

In the event that you want to prevent or treat a knee injury, participating in certain sports activities is not recommended. Indeed, you must avoid brutalizing  the meniscus with shock sports  in which jumps are frequent.

However, the knee injury can often be related to a deviation of the spine at the lumbar or pelvic level. For this reason, it is also necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles and stretch every week.

It is very important to be followed by  a specialized medical team because this type of injury can become chronic. A poorly treated knee injury would undoubtedly worsen our quality of life and limit our mobility.

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