A Nephew Or Niece Is The Best Gift A Brother Or Sister Can Give

The uncle / aunt and nephew / niece relationship is special. Uncles and aunts are mentors, confidants and playmates for nephews / nieces, people capable of arousing the tenderest feelings.

To have a nephew or a niece is a wonder, and the greatest gift that a brother or a sister can give us. Indeed, their innocence and their zest for life spice up family life.

Their little hands, their desire to travel the world, their enthusiasm, their smiles, their tears, their love, their desires, and their shining eyes are incomparable.

Having a nephew or a niece is unmatched. Because being an uncle or aunt means more than you can say in words. The relationship that is established is fascinating and generous in love. 

nephew or niece: unconditional love

First lesson: learn to love unconditionally

If you haven’t had kids yet, a nephew or niece is really teaching you what unconditional love is.

It is a fabulous feeling to be able to give your all to someone. To feel an immense tenderness, and an infinite need for protection.

Be parents, playmates, friends, confidants, instructors. All of this at the same time can only be found in an uncle / nephew relationship. Because it is an exchange in which equality, fun and understanding prevail.

Aunts and uncles are moving away from prohibitions, imposition and rules, which are much more flexible and cooperative. This illustrates a truly unique exchange.

Second lesson: learn to behave like a super hero

From the moment you have the label of uncle or aunt, you become a super hero. You are an admirable person, which gives you the responsibility to surprise, invent and transmit infinite love.

Every little explosion, every hug and every knowing wink is proof that, for your brother or sister’s child, you are a wonderful landmark.

Third lesson: regain your admiration for life

Another teaching is to learn again to admire and enjoy the magic of life, daily learning, enthusiasm, joy, innocence and heart.

It’s about testing the waters as if we were the greatest inexperienced in the world and starting to enjoy life without worries, while sharing a magical environment with them, where care, happiness, recognition and complicity prevail. .

It is not easy to meet all of these expectations, but the joy in return, with these children we adore, is well worth it.

The importance of uncles and aunts in the life of a nephew or niece

The emotional legacy that an uncle or aunt gives to a nephew or niece is another of the reasons that make this relationship unique in the lives of these little ones.

Uncles and aunts should be mentors. People who help them have different perspectives on life. Close relatives who share worries, games, thoughts and feelings without judgment.

An uncle or aunt can inspire a child in his hobbies and motivations. Advise and guide him at complicated times in his life or on conflicting issues with his parents.

Sometimes parents are not the best people to deal with a problem.

The importance of uncles and aunts in the life of a nephew or niece

An uncle or an aunt are not friends. But they represent complicity, confidentiality, proximity and loyalty in the unconditionality of the family.

All these characteristics must be found in this adult, flexible and close person.

Often, the role of aunts and uncles in the lives of children is not recognized.

Likewise, since it is such a magical and special relationship, if cultivated, it can be one of the richest emotional paths in our life.

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