Everything You Didn’t Know About Cucumbers!

In addition to being very low in calories, because they are mainly composed of water, cucumbers help us fight sudden cravings. They also allow us to avoid water retention and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Cucumbers are very popular vegetables around the world, which belong to the same family as watermelons (cucurbits).

Even if this vegetable has been used since the dawn of time in gastronomy, it also has exceptional medicinal properties, thanks to its nutritional value and the large amount of benefits it brings to our health.

A cucumber is made up of about 90% water, which attests to its very low caloric value.

In addition, it contains vitamin K, vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium and manganese.

These elements help to improve general health, and to avoid problems caused by nutrient deficiency, as is often the case in people who follow an unbalanced diet.

There are many reasons that can lead us to think that cucumbers are essential foods in any healthy diet. Do you want to know some of them?

They protect the brain

Cucumbers for the brain.

Cucumbers contain fisetin, an anti-inflammatory flavonol that plays an important role in our brain health.

Thanks to this component, cucumber is considered the ideal vegetable to improve our memory and to protect our nerve cells from damage caused by the passage of time.

They reduce the risk of suffering from cancer

Even though cucumbers are mostly water, they are also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that are directly linked to reducing the occurrence of breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancer.

In addition, it has also been found that their  content of phytonutrients called cucurbitacins, has a very important anti-cancer action, according to the George Mateljan Foundation.

They fight inflammation

The high water content of cucumber helps fight water retention,  one of the main causes of inflammation in the body.

In studies done on animals, it was determined that cucumber extract could allow them to have a lower inflammatory response, thanks to the ability of this vegetable to slow down the activity of inflammatory enzymes.

They are rich in antioxidants

Cucumbers contain important antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotenes,  which play an essential role in stimulating the body’s immune response.

They also contain a high  concentration of antioxidant flavonoids, like quercetin, luteolin, and kaempferol. Which could play a fundamental role in the prevention of chronic diseases, such as those of the cardiovascular system for example.

They freshen the breath

Bad breath is often caused by bacteria that build up between the teeth and the gums.

Cucumber can help fight them and therefore eliminate bad breath.

In accordance with the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, it should be noted that the consumption of cucumber can help us fight the excess heat in our stomach, which is also one of the factors responsible for bad breath.

They fight stress

Consuming cucumbers would help combat the negative effects of stress. Thanks to their high content of B-complex vitamins. And in particular vitamin B1, vitamin B5 and vitamin B7, also known as biotin.

B-complex vitamins are known to decrease anxiety. As well as all the physical and emotional effects of stress.

They improve digestive health

This vegetable contains large amounts of the two components necessary for good digestion: water and fiber.

Eating cucumber can help us fight acid reflux. Constipation and all the problems related to the digestive tract.

They help maintain a healthy weight

People who want to lose weight should consider cucumber as their best ally.

Coupled with a healthy eating plan, this ingredient can actually make it possible to lose weight quite easily. Thanks to its high water and nutrient content.

Its low calorie content, and its high concentration of water and fiber, make it a satiating food. Ideal for controlling compulsive cravings for food.

In addition, cucumber can also help us purify our body and regulate our digestion. By eliminating the waste that accumulates in our body and that prevents us from losing weight.

Cucumbers improve our heart health

Thanks to their significant potassium intake, cucumbers help reduce high blood pressure. One of the most common cardiovascular problems.

For each of our organs to work properly, it is necessary to have a balance of potassium inside and outside our cells.

Potassium is an electrolyte necessary for our body. Because it interacts with sodium to control the transmission of nerve impulses. Muscle contractions and heart function.

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