Fighting Facial Flaccidity With Carrots

It is important that the ingredients we use are of the best quality and as far as possible organically grown. In this way, their health benefits will be even better.

As the skin ages, it loses certain nutrients and essential substances that it needs to stay firm and taut. So we are going to tell you how the carrot can help you.

This process is normal from the age of 40 and can be delayed by using certain special treatments that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and the carrot will be your best ally.

Today, many people are exposed to a large number of factors that weaken their skin, which accelerates the aging process from the age of 30.

For some time, dermatological treatments have existed. They nourish the skin to combat flaccidity and they delay early wrinkles.

In the cosmetics market we can find many products with incredible properties and substances. They can repair damaged skin but are usually very expensive.

The good news is that there are natural alternatives that can be considered good options for nourishing the skin and minimizing the negative effects caused by the harmful environment, for example, carrot.

In this article, we want to share with you the recipe for a natural carrot and orange mask. It acts as a firmer to obtain a more youthful and toned face. Do not miss our advice!

The carrot mask to fight against facial flaccidity

Carrots are an excellent supplement to combat flaccidity and the small wrinkles that form when the skin begins to weaken.

Through several researches, it has been determined that there are a series of ingredients of plant origin that can provide the skin with nutrients that allow it to stay young for longer.

One of the most widely used is carrot, a vegetable rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants. They improve health both internally and in terms of the beauty of the skin.

With its application in its natural state, the quality of the skin can be improved, as long as the treatment is applied regularly.

This mask to reduce flaccidity combines the properties of carrot with those of orange, whose antioxidant and astringent action reduces damage to the skin to give it a more youthful and healthy appearance.


  • 1 orange
  • 1 carrot
  • And 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)

Preparation of the carrot and orange mask

  • To start, peel the carrot, making sure to remove only the top portion of the skin.
  • Then wash it with a little water and apple cider vinegar to remove any kind of germs, bacteria or pesticides.
  • Cut the carrot into small cubes and put it in the blender to blend it.
  • Then cut the orange in half and extract the juice from each part.
  • Pour the juice into the blender and add the spoonful of honey before blending.
  • Finally, mix everything at high speed for a few seconds, until a smooth paste is obtained.

Mask application method

  • Before spreading the product on your face, wash it well and remove all traces of makeup.
  • Once your face is clean and fresh, apply the mask, except around the eyes and mouth.
  • You can spread it up to the neck and also up to the neckline. Indeed, these are two areas exposed to flaccidity.
  • Then, wait 30 minutes for the skin to absorb all the nutrients.
  • When the time is up, remove it with water.
  • It is best to use cold water as it activates the circulation and boosts the results of the mask.
  • Know that it is a natural product, therefore its application must be repeated at least 3 or 4 times a week to obtain the expected benefits.

To know !

This natural product is not miraculous and its results may take a few weeks before appearing.

However, it is worth applying it regularly to make the most of all of its virtues.

Obviously, its effectiveness in reducing flaccidity will also depend on your lifestyle. So improve your diet and exercise!

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