First Time At The Spa? Things To Know

Although it is a place to relax, going to the spa for the first time can be stressful. However, know that it is an experience that will improve your physical and emotional health.

The spa is a place that offers treatments, therapies and activities that will take you to the ultimate level of relaxation. Spas have become very popular due to the consequences of the stresses of everyday life. The word spa comes from the name of a Belgian town, well known in Roman times for its thermal waters.

Is this your first visit to the spa? You must then read these few tips to make this experience pleasant and meet all your expectations. There are many reasons to go to the spa closest to you. It is the guarantee to go out feeling better, both physically and mentally.

Why go to a spa

If you are stressed to the point that it affects your health, you already have a really good reason to go to a spa. But if you don’t know much about the spa and its benefits yet, get convinced to go now. It won’t be a waste of time!

The spa brings mental well-being

Stress is one of the ailments that most affects people these days. This is due to the constant hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s no longer a secret that high levels of anxiety have fatal consequences.

In the spa, you can spend time forgetting everything around you, while pampering and relaxing. So focus your energies on your body and you will see the changes.

Optimize your physical health

According to Agua Salud – Wellness Spa, the various therapies and treatments offered at the spa make it possible to achieve an optimal level of muscle relaxation. At the same time, it reduces back, neck and limb pain.

Spa is good for skin problems

Among the many reasons to go to the spa, there is also the aesthetic aspect. Thus, all the techniques that are used in this kind of place allow you to take care of your body from the inside, but also to improve the appearance of your complexion.

In fact, at the spa, you can receive the following treatments:

  • First of all, a deep exfoliation.
  • Hydration of the hands and feet.
  • Carbohydrate therapy.
  • Radio frequency.
  • A facial cleansing.
  • Ozone therapy.
  • Ultra cavitation.

You will see that with these treatments, it will not be your last visit to the spa. Finally, in addition to relaxing, your self-esteem will gain for being pampered.

An anti-cellulite massage.

What should I consider if I am going to a spa for the first time?

If this is your first visit to the spa and you still don’t know what to do before going, take the advice of the experts in the field. Janet Brice, content director for The Spa Traveler magazine , advises you to always check the treatments offered in the establishment you are going to and to choose only those that correspond to your needs.

In case of pregnancy or underlying medical problems

You should not go to a spa if you are pregnant. You will first have to consult your gynecologist. Also abstain if you have cardiovascular problems or a fever.

In all these cases, we recommend that you first ask the spa where you want to make an appointment for the contraindications of the treatments it offers.

Total disconnection

Are you ready to disconnect from the world on your first spa visit? The idea is that you are, because otherwise you will not get the desired relaxing effect offered by the different techniques or treatments offered there.

Start by turning off your phone. Also forget about the clock and focus on enjoying the experience. It doesn’t hurt to take time for yourself or to improve your physical and emotional health.

Do not wear jewelry

Jewelry or accessories, such as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, should be left at home or at the spa counter you are visiting.

If you have long hair, we also recommend that you tie it up, as this will make it easier to carry out the treatments you are going to receive. We also recommend that you do not go to the spa for the first time with a full stomach.

Wear comfortable clothes

If you are wondering what clothes to wear in a spa, the correct answer is this. Wear comfortable clothes. Depending on the type of treatment you are going to receive, sometimes you will need to withdraw them entirely.

For this reason, what you are looking for is comfort. Not only for you, but also for the person who will assist you. On the feet, you can wear rubber sandals or sandals that are more practical to take off when needed.


When we approach the topic of the first time at the spa, it is essential to mention the importance of punctuality. In places like this, treatments are by appointment, so any delay is a problem on the agenda.

It is preferable to arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time, in order to respect your turn and that of others. If you want, you can also take a quick shower to be better prepared.

What should I bring to the spa?

Although most spas provide items such as towels, sanitizing gels, and shampoo, if this is your first time, it is best for convenience to take your toiletry bag with certain items. that can be very helpful.

The Titanic Spa therefore recommends bringing certain items that will help you achieve maximum relaxation. For example, your favorite book.

Here is a list of things to have in your bag or in your toiletry bag:

  • First of all, a towel. Try opting for a microfiber towel, as this material dries much faster and does not soak up water.
  • A swimsuit. It is not necessary to wear it. Once at the spa, you can then put it on.
  • A shower cap. If you don’t want to mess up your hair, wear a shower cap and make a ponytail to tie your hair back. Some spas offer disposable caps, but if you feel more comfortable with yours, bring it.
  • Flip-flops. It is a very hygienic and comfortable option. Always remember to bring your own flip flops and make sure they are made of a non-slip material that is not likely to get wet.
  • A change of clothes. This will prevent you from having to put your clothes on over your wet swimsuit or even slightly damp clothes.
  • Your personal items. Finally, you can’t forget your personal items like deodorant, shampoo, cosmetics, makeup and creams.

Toiletry bags.

Enjoy your first time at the spa

From your first visit to the spa, you will notice that there are a lot of other people coming on the same day as you, so it will be necessary to be discreet for you and for them.

Try to have an appropriate tone of voice, wash your hands well when entering common areas, and be discreet in the dressing area. These are common sense rules that are essential for a satisfying experience.

Let the therapists guide you for each treatment you are going to receive and take the opportunity to mention skin lesions or areas that must be handled with care. Don’t forget to relax! It is essential that you get the most out of what the spa has to offer.

Finally, put aside any embarrassment. You are in the hands of professionals and these places are specialized to take care of you and offer you all kinds of treatments. So take full advantage of the experience!

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