Foods To Improve Mood

Often times, mood swings are attributed to lack of nutrients. There are chemicals that regulate humor and come from nutrients in the foods we eat. We give you the list of foods that will help you feel better.

It can be due to weather, fatigue, bad news, hormonal changes, or a thousand other reasons. You’re not sure why, but you feel like crying, listening to sad songs, or staying in bed for a week. Did you know that there are foods that have the ability to lift your spirits and your mood? You can consume them and enjoy their benefits. We present them to you in this article.

What to eat to improve mood?

Maybe you don’t know why, but since your alarm clock went off, you don’t feel like doing anything. It could be Monday, you’ve stayed up late to watch your favorite show, or you’re going through PMS.

Without realizing it, you hate everyone at work and you just want to run away to a desert island. Maybe in the afternoon when you leave work you will have coffee with chocolate cake and before dinner you will be in a better mood.

Is food a miracle or magic? Not exactly. But it has a lot to do with being able to cheer up when everything looks gray. There are certain foods that can improve your condition in a matter of minutes. Do you want to know which ones?

1. Chocolate good for the mood

chocolate improves mood

We put it at the top of the list because it is considered the best food for fighting depression, so it is perfect for boosting morale. The components of cocoa work on our brain to make us feel better. This is why it is common that during times when you are sad, you want to eat chocolate (in all its forms).

But beware ! Too much chocolate is not good for your health because it contains sugar, milk and other ingredients in its composition. The exception, of course, is eating pure or bitter chocolate.

2. Nuts

They are an excellent source of fatty acids (omega 3) and can be eaten as a healthy snack at any time of the day. In addition to nuts, you can eat almonds or peanuts. No more than a handful per day. If you want, you can combine them with yogurt, orange juice or milk to increase the effects.

3. Milk

milk improves mood

When we’re not feeling very well and it’s cold out, we probably want to drink a cup of hot chocolate before going to bed (or lying down). In a few minutes, we feel comforted and we manage to fall asleep. This drink is satiating and tranquilizing because of the milk and its calcium content.

Drinking milk prevents irritability, anxiety and depression and regulates mood swings.

4. Cinnamon

We can add a pinch of cinnamon to our cup of milk, which has more than interesting effects and which allow us, among other things, to cheer us up. This characteristic aromatic spice prevents hypoglycemia. When the blood sugar level drops, we also feel more tired. To prevent or treat this problem, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon on your desserts or infusions every day.

5. Honey

To boost morale, you can also opt for honey, which has interesting properties. It is a powerful natural antibiotic. Honey is one of the most complete products that exist and among its components we can highlight the essential tryptophan to synthesize serotonin (hormone linked to happiness).

A spoonful of honey (replacing sugar) in your infusions is enough. You will feel much better after tasting it.

6. The banana

There are several fruits that can help us if we are not feeling well. In the case of bananas, because it contains large amounts of magnesium. This mineral reduces stress, fatigue and anxiety. All of this undoubtedly helps to improve your mood.

You can add bananas to various smoothies or fruit salads for dessert.

7. Wholemeal bread

We recommend that you choose wholemeal bread if you feel discouraged. Because even if it contains carbohydrates, these are combined with amino acids and, therefore, we have a satisfying and perfect food to fight anxiety.

In addition, wholemeal bread provides tryptophan which reduces sensitivity to pain and depression. A slice of bread for breakfast and you will start the day with a smile.

8. Spinach

They not only provide strength, but also add folic acid to your body. This important nutrient during pregnancy has several benefits. Such as, for example, the elevation of serotonin levels in the brain and therefore improved mood.

You can eat raw and cooked spinach in different preparations: salads, cakes, soups, etc.

9. Eggs

In several countries (such as Turkey, Japan or Sweden), we eat hard-boiled eggs for breakfast. Unlike the fried version (which is not recommended for the fat it provides), it satisfies our appetite and provides us with a good amount of nutrients. In addition, they are recommended for those who have very demanding tasks because it allows them to have more energy. In addition, its amino acids help in the formation of serotonin.

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