Gestures To Rejuvenate The Eyes

Lack of shine in the eyes can have many causes, be it fatigue or not blinking enough. Try blinking your eyelids a few times to keep your eyes hydrated.

Our look is our hallmark. The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul but also the reflection of our state of health. It is possible to rejuvenate the look.

They are the ones who usually show the first signs of fatigue after a sleepless night. They thus bear witness to the passage of time.

It is always useful to know the actions that will help us take care of our eyes and our gaze. But without ever forgetting this inner joy that we must all preserve.

The gaze does not only reflect our inner emotions; the eye is an organ very sensitive to everything around it. You should therefore avoid spending hours in front of your computer screen or having your eyes riveted on your laptop.

Artificial light is very harmful to the eyes. When you learn a little more about everything that suits you or hurts you, you will soon be able to sport a seductive and luminous gaze.

Here are some simple tips to rejuvenate the look.

What problems usually affect our eyes?

Rejuvenate the look

  • Flabby and drooping eyelids. There can be various causes. You’ve probably already woken up with slightly swollen and reddened eyelids.

A sleepless night or a lack of hydration can cause water retention in the eyelids. Time goes by and there are days when our features seem more marked when looking at us in the mirror. These swollen eyelids make our eyes appear much smaller.

  • Crow’s feet. These are the small wrinkles that appear at the corner of the eye, and which are seen especially when we smile or according to our expression. These fine lines appear when the skin begins to lose elasticity. But genetics and the effects of the sun are also decisive. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid their occurrence.
  • Dark circles. We all have them. Dark circles appear under the eyes and are brown or bluish in color. They can come from fatigue, lack of sleep, sometimes illness, or even reflect an emotional state.
  • Bags under the eyes. Everyone dreads those bags that appear under the eyes when hormonal changes occur or when water retention occurs. They make the look ugly and make us look extremely tired.
  • The dull look. Fatigue, eye problems, the effects of time. Here are some of the many causes that can prevent you from rejuvenating your look.

Remedies to erase wrinkles that appear around the eyes

Egg white to rejuvenate the eyes

  • Egg white.  It may surprise you, but egg white has the notorious property of moisturizing and tightening sagging skin. It is also used to reduce expression lines.

To take advantage of its benefits, first take egg white and then apply it to the area around your eyes and massage in small circles. Do this every morning and you will gradually find that your skin is much smoother and free from expression lines.

  • The lawyer.  It is indeed a source of vitamin E and fatty acids. They are both excellent for fighting free radicals and for providing the skin with intense hydration.

All you have to do is remove the flesh of half an avocado, reduce it to a cream with a spoon and apply it to the skin in the evening, leaving it to act for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

  • The cucumber. It is the best known and at the same time the most effective product. Cucumber is thus very rich in vitamin C and caffeic acid, it stimulates the production of healthy tissue and hydrates the skin.

You can apply a slice of cucumber on each eye, or simply blend a quarter of a cucumber in a blender and prepare a mask that you will apply to your eyes for 15 minutes. You will feel a refreshing and beneficial effect. Perfect for rejuvenating the eyes.

Remedies for dark circles and bags under the eyes

Rose petals

  • Chamomile. It is a very well known remedy. Chamomile is a powerful anti-inflammatory and relaxant that activates blood circulation in the eyes and prevents water retention.

For this, prepare an infusion with two sachets of chamomile. Soak two cotton discs with lukewarm chamomile infusion and leave to act for 15 minutes. You will feel great relief.

  • Cucumber and milk. It is a very suitable mixture for reactivating circulation and detoxifying puffiness or dark circles, and easy to prepare. Place half a glass of milk in the freezer for 15 minutes. Then put two slices of cucumber to soak in the milk. Then apply them on your eyes. You will see the effects immediately.
  • A remedy for rose petals.  Here is another product very suitable to eliminate bags under the eyes or to erase dark circles. All you need to do is reserve 8 or 9 rose petals.

Put them in a bottle with four tablespoons of sweet almond oil and let them sit for a day in a dark place to avoid sunlight. The next day, massage your eyes with a cotton ball soaked in this preparation. It is an effective and pleasant product.

A massage to fight the signs of eye fatigue and rejuvenate the look

Eyelid massages

This massage will make you look younger. It will be much brighter. It is a technique designed to reactivate circulation, to tone the eyes and skin and thus make the look more expressive and sparkling.

  1. Start by washing your hands well and apply one of the creams mentioned above to the area around your eyes; either a little egg white, or an avocado or cucumber cream. Perform a circular massage from the ears to the eyelids, then to the eyebrows. Always forming circles.
  2. Now squeeze your nasal septum between your thumb and forefinger, placing your fingers just above the tear duct, and massage in small circles. In this way you reactivate the circulation.
  3. Then, and as if it were tweezers, grab one of your eyelids and lift it slightly, then also perform a circular massage on each eyelid.
  4. With your middle finger, tap the area of ​​the dark circles.
  5. Finally, and in order to relax, cover your eyes with the palms of your hands for a minute.
  6. Repeat this cycle three times.

There you go, you now know how to rejuvenate the look!

Photographs courtesy of Polly Mcarthy and Eduardo Medina.

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