How To Act After An Argument With Your Partner?

Sometimes we don’t think about what we are doing or saying and it affects our relationship as a couple. We feel guilty, sad and anxious and don’t know what to do. Here are some tips to follow after chatting with your boyfriend.

An argument with your partner can be a daily affair and can happen for a lot of reasons. Some are more complicated than others because of the subject to which they refer. And it is very important to know what to do during and after the quarrel.

So, in this article, we’ll answer all of your questions about how to act after an argument with your boyfriend.

I had an argument with my partner: what now?

It is common to feel guilty, sad and anxious after an argument with your partner. Sometimes you don’t know what to act, what to do, or what to say. Here are the most common mistakes to avoid after an argument:

1. Ignore it

It is true that if you are angry, you do not want to pay attention or talk to him. But when that happens, you don’t have to shut yourself up and keep all of your emotions and feelings to yourself.

The best thing you can do in these cases is to speak up and bring out what you are feeling. So that it doesn’t become a burden on your mind.

2. Ruminate on his words

When you are angry or hurt, you can say things that you will regret later. If you heard a phrase that was too hurtful or that you didn’t like, tell her. That way it won’t stay in your head for days.

How to act after an argument with your partner: do not ruminate on his words

3. Stay angry for a week

Do you recognize yourself in this statement? Keep in mind that if you keep this position, it will be more difficult for you to come to terms with or come to an agreement. In addition, in such conditions, it is you who suffer, not the other.

4. Self-punishment

It is also quite common. Feeling bad because you caused an argument or because instead of fixing things you added fuel to the fire which is unnecessary. It is necessary that you both can express what you are feeling and what is bothering you.

If you’re depressed about having an argument, think that maybe this could have solved some issues you were having. And therefore allow you to start again on a more peaceful relationship.

5. Go to sleep angry

While sleeping helps some people calm down and recover from an argument, it’s always best to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible. If you let a whole night go by, you may not be angry anymore.

But there will also be certain feelings, opinions or emotions that have not been expressed. And so, it will be more difficult to express them later.

argument with his partner: do not go to sleep angry
What to do after an argument with your partner?

Beyond changing the direction of your actions and attitudes towards some typical mistakes after arguments, it is also interesting to know what to do at the time. That is to say when we are angry and feelings are on edge.

Pay attention to these tips:

1. Look beyond the topic of the dispute

Believe it or not, we often get into an argument over something totally different from the topic of the argument. It may seem like money, family, or food may have been the trigger. But underneath there may be something deeper.

Perhaps dissatisfaction in the couple, problems at work, too much pressure. Or traumas from the past that lead you to an argument for more down-to-earth reasons that have nothing to do with it.

2. Look each other eye-to-eye

Even at the worst time of an argument, or when it is over, eye contact is essential. It is said that the eyes are the reflection of the soul. And maybe what the mouth says is not what the gaze expresses. Sometimes it is enough to look at each other for a few seconds to end an argument.

3. Get closer to each other

Another way to come to terms after a relationship dispute is to put physical distance aside. A hug, a caress or just a skin-to-skin contact can be enough to calm the situation and provide a solution to the problem.

arguing with your partner: getting closer to each other

4. Apologize

Often you have to put your pride aside and know that now is the time to say, “I’m sorry”. This is often enough to make things better. The apology should be sincere and not an attempt to put out the fire with a drop of water.

Sometimes humility in a discussion can be very helpful. Consider whether it is better to keep your pride or work things out with your partner. Mistakes are not always on your side. But if the relationship really interests you, take the first step towards reconciliation.

5. Get some fresh air

Another way to act after an argument with your partner is to go for a walk. They say it’s the best way to clear your head and reduce your anger.

Maybe this will help you keep things from escalating. You might start to blame him for things that happened years ago.

And remember the rule: “Don’t go to bed angry”. Because the idea is to go get some fresh air and come to a reconciliation. And not to get carried away by irritation or anger.

When you return from the walk, try to calmly resume the conversation. You might both see things in a different way.

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