How To Fight Cellulite?

Want to get rid of cellulite? Come and discover our tips for fighting orange peel in a natural but effective way!

Cellulite is an accumulation of adipose (or fatty) tissue in certain areas of the body where it manifests itself in the form of fatty nodules. The connective tissue is then saturated with water and toxins which have not been eliminated; as a result, the fatty tissue thickens and forms dimples and irregular, rough lumps on the skin. The appearance of cellulite can have a hormonal component.

The most famous cellulite is sclera cellulitis or orange peel, which precisely owes its name to the appearance it gives to the skin.

Is cellulite a disease?

It is generally not considered as a disease, but as an impairment of circulation in the hypodermis. It appears more often in women after puberty, and although it is not a health hazard, it is undoubtedly considered an embarrassing cosmetic problem that changes the contours of the skin’s surface.

Where does cellulite come from?

Cellulite usually appears after puberty.

Certain specific factors can contribute to the formation of cellulite, for example:

  • An unbalanced or incomplete diet
  • A lack of exercise or a sedentary life
  • Circulatory problems
  • Overweight
  • Family history

What to do to fight cellulite?

Although you can find creams and products in many shops and everywhere else, and there are also surgery and massages to fight cellulite, here is what you need to know:

What is important when you want to treat cellulite is to start fighting it as soon as it appears. The most important point in this fight is to let go of your sedentary lifestyle and start exercising regularly. You should also follow an adequate diet, with a balanced diet containing a good proportion of fiber in order to improve blood circulation and prevent cellulite from forming. It is also essential not to smoke  !

How to do it ?

It is recommended to include in his usual diet:

  • Legumes. Especially soy, because it helps control hormonal imbalances.
  • Whole grains. They promote the elimination of toxins.
  • Foods that have a diuretic effect. Grapes, melons, peaches or asparagus.
  • Evening primrose oil. An oil which is used to regulate certain hormonal alterations.

In addition, if you are starting to exercise, you can practice it at least three times a week and introduce routine exercises like:

  • Do 15 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.
  • One day, work the posterior part of the thighs (the femur).
  • Another day, work the inner and outer parts of the thighs (the abductors).
  • Then, the following day, work the front part of the thighs (the quadriceps) and the calves.
  • Also do arm and leg exercises about three times a week or depending on physical conditions.

What should be avoided to eliminate cellulite?

Avoid fatty foods to fight cellulite.

Avoid especially during meals:

  • Alcohol  which promotes the accumulation of toxins.
  • Saturated fats, such as those found in butter, milk or cold meats.
  • The sugar , which sometimes brings neither vitamins nor minerals, but the fat that will fit in all parts of the body.
  • Salt which promotes water retention.

What are the most important steps to take during this process?

It is essential that you are constant, and even very constant, in the practice of physical exercises. Also very aware of the importance of having a correct diet. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to see an improvement!

We recommend you…

To follow these instructions and advice very seriously and to avoid resorting to unknown creams or surgery. The solution to your problem is probably easier than you think!

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