Nutritional Advice For Patients At Risk Of Osteoporosis

In addition to possible family history, certain behaviors such as alcohol or tobacco consumption, or an unbalanced diet can increase the risk of osteoporosis .

In general, we are all at risk for bone problems. However, there are some determining factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis.

This is why we are going to give you some advice on certain nutritional measures to reduce this disease which weakens your bones.

Bones and osteoporosis


Our bones are living tissue that often go through a process of regeneration. That is to say that the new cells replace the old ones, which guarantees their health and therefore good bone function.

However, this process can be interrupted or affected. This is the case  in the absence of regeneration; the bones become very weak and thin .

In this situation, therefore, we become more prone to fractures. This is called osteoporosis.

Factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis

There are several factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis. Some can be considered as non-modifiable. This is the case with old age, family history, menopause and a small innate bone structure.

On the other hand, there are modifiable risk factors which are related to our way of life. It can be excessive alcohol consumption or smoking.

Among these modifiable risk factors, there are also certain health conditions such as amenorrhea, calcium or vitamin D deficiency and low body weight.

These situations can be treated with medication, and thus reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Prevention of osteoporosis 

We must do our best to avoid modifiable risk factors. However, those who already have unmodifiable factors should try harder not to add new items.

In other words, if these people have a family history of osteoporosis, if they are in their third age or in menopause, they already have a high risk of osteoporosis that there is nothing that can be done about it.

This is why, we must avoid adding factors related to bad habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

In addition, modifiable factors that may increase the risk of this disease must be treated promptly.

Measures against osteoporosis 

Below, we list the main dietary measures you should take to reduce the risk of osteoporosis:

  • Eat an adequate amount of protein : Protein is the substance responsible for fueling our tissues. A low protein diet involves deficiencies in the regeneration of body tissues, including bones.
  • Eat products that contain vitamin D : The main foods rich in vitamin D are fish oil, tuna, salmon, sardines, dairy products, egg yolks, avocado and mushrooms.
  • Eat foods containing calcium : products rich in calcium are mainly lactoses. Nevertheless, it is possible to find this mineral in sardines, sesame, kiwi fruit, almonds, cabbage and dried figs.
  • Avoid excess fiber : although fiber is a highly recommended component for many diseases, in the case of osteoporosis it can be counterproductive since it has effects on the intestine that can reduce the absorption of calcium.

Other recommendations

Recommendations by a professional to fight against osteoporosis

  • Reduce your salt intake.
  • Control your bad habits.  If you smoke, try to treat this addiction as it increases the risk of osteoporosis and causes many other health problems. This also applies to people who drink a lot of alcohol. 
  • In case you are overweight or underweight, consult a nutritionist for an adequate diet .
  • If you seem to have amenorrhea, treat it quickly with the help of specialists.
  • If you have calcium or vitamin D deficiencies, seek help from a nutritionist. They can guide you in what you can do to determine if the cause of the deficit is due to insufficient intake or if there are internal factors.
  • Remember to engage in physical activity, such as walking for 30 minutes a day.  

walking to prevent osteoporosis

Whatever the case, the advice of a specialist can help you overcome these factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis. Remember that health and quality of life are matters not to be taken lightly.

Do you currently suffer from osteoporosis? We advise you not to miss the medical checks and to try to adopt new healthier habits in your life in order to better cope with this disease.

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