Oats For Better Sleep: 5 Reasons To Consume Them At Night

Thanks to its contribution in melatonin and vitamin B, oats are perfect for stimulating the secretion of serotonin and promoting better rest, without interruptions.

If you are having trouble sleeping, then now is the time to take action. Now is the time to make changes and adopt a simple remedy a few hours before bed: a glass of warm oats for better sleep.

Better rest is synonymous with good health, well-being and greater energy. This allows you to be more productive during the day.

So answer a simple question: do you sleep your eight hours straight ? Do you regularly wake up at night and wake up with the clear feeling that you haven’t rested?

We give you 5 good reasons to adopt this practice!

1. Oats for dinner

oats at night for better sleep: 5 reasons to eat them at night

Being able to enjoy a deep, restful sleep depends on many factors. Two of them are very concrete: dinner time and the foods that we include in that meal.

There is indeed an interesting fact that should not be overlooked. Our liver performs its detoxification tasks between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

If we dine late or eat something heavy, we interrupt the effectiveness of this task and wake up.

  • You have to have dinner between 7 and 9 p.m.
  • Among the foods that can be included in our dinners, is therefore oats, an excellent supplement for our health and for better sleep.
  • Oats, as well as oat water, have a good nutritional value.

It will allow us, for example, to maintain a good balance of glucose levels to avoid dangerous peaks, which is ideal in the last hours of the day.

  • If you want to get a good sleep, remember: in the evening it is not good to eat red meats.

The reason ? They contain stimulants like hypoxanthine. It is therefore better to opt for fish or cereals like oats to sleep better.

2. Oats are rich in melatonin and vitamin D

Oats are a natural source of melatonin, a compound that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

It is not that in itself that oats make us sleep better immediately, like a sleeping pill. Oats adjust our cycle so that when night comes, we feel drowsy.

Oats help us to regulate these cycles thanks to its contribution in melatonin and vitamin D. These will therefore allow us to reduce:

  • The impact of migraines
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)

To enhance these benefits, get oats fortified with vitamin D. This will increase serotonin production and sleep better.

3. Oats and the B vitamins

Group B vitamins have multiple functions. The most important have to do with the proper functioning of the nervous system.

  • Oats are very rich in vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, which is necessary for converting energy from food into glucose, and for metabolizing fats and proteins.
  • Vitamin B3  helps us increase the production of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that promotes relaxation and sleep.

If we suffer from a deficiency of these vitamins, we will suffer from these effects, and physical exhaustion and insomnia will therefore be more present.

Discover: 8 foods to fight insomnia the natural way s

4. Avenin helps us fight anxiety and rest better

Oats contain avenin and trigonelline. These are two types of prolamins, plant proteins.

They both help us reduce anxiety, nervousness, and that mental and physical restlessness that we build up throughout the day that prevents us from getting deep, healthy sleep.

It should be noted that this type of vegetable protein contained in oats act as allergens for people with celiac disease. It is therefore better to avoid them if you are suffering from this disease.

5. Eat oats at night for better sleep

One of the big triggers for insomnia is anxiety or chronic stress.

Let’s not forget that these emotional processes stimulate the adrenal gland. And, quickly, the hormones that generate muscle tension, stress and fatigue are released.

  • Regular consumption of oats will help us normalize many hormones that trigger stress.
    We balance cortisol levels and take care of our nervous system thanks to the large supply of B vitamins.
  • Oats promote our internal homeostasis, relax us, encourage our digestion and take care of our liver health.

All of this helps us, without a doubt, to obtain a deeper and more restorative rest.

But remember: to reap its benefits, we need to consume this glass of oats every day between one and two hours before going to sleep. Drink it lukewarm!

  • Corio Andújar, R., & Arbonés Fincias, L. (2009). Nutrición y salud. Nutrition and Health, 35, 9, 423–479. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1138-3593(09)72843-6
  • Ávila Zúñiga, P. (nd). El secreto: 5 tiempos de comida al día. Clínica En Especialidades Dietoterapéuticas. Retrieved from https://www.carmenlia.com/Articulos/5_comidas_al_dia/5_tiempos_de_comida_al_dÃa.pdf
  • Rozano Ladrón, V., Quiróz Santiago, C., Acosta Pulido, JC, & Pimentel Ayaquica, LA (2004). Hortalizas, las llaves de la energía. Revista Digital Universitaria, 5. Retrieved from http://www.revista.unam.mx/vol.6/num9/art88/sep_art88.pdf
  • Celorio Fries, GA, & Mota López, M. Á. (2016). Salud Mental y Nutrición: Una revisión sistemática. Cádiz: Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Madrid.
  • Romo, M. (2014). Enter you cerebro. Neurociencia para la vida cotidiana. Barcelona: Editorial Alienta.

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