Processed Foods You Can Include In Your Diet

There are some processed foods that you can include in your daily diet. We present them to you in this article.

Normally, we recommend consuming fresh, natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to maintain a healthy diet. However, there are other products that we can include in our diet without harming our body. We are talking about processed foods here.

The term “processed foods” refers to foods that have been subjected to some type of industrial processing. Chemical or artificial components are added before the individual consumes them. These products are packaged, canned or plasticized in supermarkets.

Although this type of food is prepared quickly, a moderate consumption of them is recommended because the modifications to which they are subjected in an industrial way tend to decrease their nutritional composition (minerals, vitamins, fibers, among others).

In this sense, ultra-processed foods should be avoided as much as possible. These are foods that have gone through different stages of processing and that require many additives for their preservation.

However, there are some processed foods that are still healthy and can be included in a balanced diet.

Healthy processed foods

Wholemeal flour products

Eating breads or pastas that contain a large amount of whole grains and flour contributes to a healthy diet. Their main composition is based on vitamins, minerals and fiber, which help the body to maintain a low glycemic index.

healthy processed foods: wholemeal bread

Likewise, they prevent constipation, lower cholesterol levels and give rise to a feeling of fullness.

The World Health Organization (WHO), on the other hand, recommends the consumption of wholemeal bread, as 100 grams of it represents only 243 calories, while 100 grams of normal white bread is equivalent to 290 calories.

Frozen fruits and vegetables

It is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible. However, if we are in a supermarket, we may choose to purchase these foods already packaged and frozen.

The reason ? This method is normally used to keep the product for a long time. Thus, they are not subjected to any chemical process likely to alter their composition.


This product, which originally comes from the cow, must be pasteurized and processed to prevent the proliferation of bacteria. However, this industrial process does not completely eliminate its protein, calcium and vitamin properties.

However, the case is totally different when it comes to sweetened milk and skimmed milk. Some specialists recommend avoiding them.

In this sense, Aitor Sanchez, nutritionist and author, believes that “ it is not scientifically justified to consume more skimmed milk compared to whole milk. It is a myth. In fact, products made from skimmed milk are less satiating and hunger returns sooner.

Another recommended type of milk is coconut milk or almond milk, in which the packaging process does not change the nutritional composition of their natural product.


The consumption of yogurt brings various benefits to our body, although it is a processed product resulting from the fermentation of milk.

Among these benefits, we find the stabilization of the intestinal flora and the assimilation of nutrients. On the other hand,  yogurts contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals.

However, to be sure that the yogurt we consume is the healthiest, we must check that among its ingredients are only milk and fermented milk products.  Indeed, it is recommended to consume yoghurts without sweetener or coloring. One of the most natural is Greek yogurt.


healthy processed foods: cheese

It is another product derived from dairy products obtained by an industrial process. In this case, the milk is fermented, curdled and preserved with salt. Due to its nutritional composition, cheese is a source of protein, calcium and potassium for our body.

However, specialists recommend consuming less than 120 grams per day, due to the large amount of fat and carbohydrates in the product.


Among the healthy fats, the first recommended is extra virgin olive oil. Indeed, it does not contain any type of additive, since it comes directly from the extraction of the olive.

Consuming this type of oil helps prevent cardiovascular disease and regulates the digestion process.


It is also recommended to consume pure chocolate, with less sugar and 85% cocoa.

This product can bring many benefits to our body. Including a reduction in blood pressure and a nutritional intake of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

As we have seen, there are many healthy food options to include in your diet. Remember to supplement your diet with exercise. If in doubt, consult a specialist.

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