Put Your Legs In The Air Every Day

When we put our legs in the air, we change our postural axis and we promote the decongestion of fluids and venous return which is often made difficult because of gravity.

Putting your legs in the air for 20 minutes every day can be life changing. Here are some explanations of this method.

What may pass for nonsense actually brings a whole host of unexpected benefits of which we have no idea. This proves our profound ignorance of our body and how it works.

We have to think, for example, of the enormous effort our heart makes to get the blood to each end. Or, also think about the way in which this venous return works which little by little causes varicose veins.

It is never too much to try new things, simple exercises that, if they don’t make us lose weight or firm our legs, will bring us well-being and good mental calm.

We invite you to find out. We invite you to improve your quality of life with this simple daily exercise that costs nothing, doesn’t require a lot of time, and won’t tire you at all.

What is the leg-in-the-air exercise?

More than an exercise, it is a therapeutic technique. We cannot call it exercise as such, because there is no physical exertion, movement or muscle tension.

Rather, it is a yoga technique that is often practiced to establish a mind-body connection, but which has great circulatory benefits.

  • You should know that if you suffer from a back injury, it is not advisable to follow this technique.
  • The ideal is to put a small cushion under the lower back to have a more harmonious position. Thus, you will get the legs that they are well glued to the wall vertically, and that the arms are well rested, stretched and relaxed.
  • It is enough to maintain this position at least for 15-20 minutes. It is only necessary to feel the balance of the position, the peace and the calm, because all of a sudden, the blood supply to the chest and the head becomes denser and more energetic.

Remember that if you are motivated to perform this relaxation technique, it is necessary that you dress in comfortable clothes that do not tighten your waist or ankles.

Otherwise, we could make the goal of this exercise difficult, which is to promote blood circulation.

5 excellent benefits of legs in the air

1. This exercise reduces edema in the legs and feet

Edema in the legs and feet is always due to problems with the blood circulation, the origins of which we should all know.

  • Sometimes it is because of a kidney problem, heart problem, being overweight, medication or even an inadequate diet.
    It is necessary to know its origin and to treat it. Later on, these home exercises can give us fabulous relief.
  • Putting your legs in the air promotes the movement of fluids that prevent proper blood circulation.
  • Sometimes spending all day on your feet causes our feet to swell. So, just take off your shoes, relax and put your legs on the wall. This allows  the force of gravity to deflame these problem areas.

2. This exercise relieves tired legs

Getting your legs up in the air is one of the best ways to relieve tension in your legs, feet, and even hips.

These three areas are the ones you feel the most at the end of the day. This exercise, which lasts 20 minutes, changes the postural axis and releases all the tension in these areas. It therefore causes significant relief.

3. This exercise improves your digestions

Putting your legs in the air is an exercise that falls into the category of what we know in yoga as “inversion”.

Changing your posture and putting your feet up and upside down helps, first of all, to decongest blocked fluids and improve digestion.

We also promote intestinal mobility. In the long run, it helps to better absorb nutrients, fight constipation and recover a good inner well-being that is noticeable from the outside.

4. This exercise relaxes the nervous system

This position also helps to improve breathing. We retain more air and little by little, we promote slower and more rhythmic inspirations and expirations.

All of this has a great impact on our nervous system. Thanks to it,  we relieve muscle tension, overload and that tension that is so usually concentrated on the area of ​​the stomach, neck and temples.

5. This exercise promotes mental calm

Try it out, put it into practice today. You only need 20 minutes of your time. The first thing you will experience is physical relief which immediately relaxes your mind.

This position also promotes good cerebral oxygenation.

It invites us, almost without realizing it, to meditate, to rest our minds and to feel more present. This position envelops us in calm, well-being and allows us to be in perfect harmony.

As you practice this simple therapy, you will notice more and more benefits.

Are you ready to put it into practice?

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