Symptoms And Prevention Of Hip Osteoarthritis

Did you know that gelatin can help us restore our cartilages and prevent their degeneration? It is also essential that we drink at least two liters of water per day to stay well hydrated.

Women are much more affected by the painful pathology of osteoarthritis of the hip, which is characterized by wear and tear on the bone and musculoskeletal pain which severely affects their quality of life.

Hip wear is also one of the most common and dangerous conditions in women. It is therefore important to know the symptoms. Take note !

Why do our hips wear out?

Hip osteoarthritis

Hip osteoarthritis, or coxofemoral osteoarthritis, actually affects the cartilage. Let us remember that the hip joint is formed by the neck of the femur and the acetabulum, this articular cavity in which the femur is perfectly inserted.

Nearby is a complete network of muscle fibers and ligaments, which unites the cartilage and acts as a shock absorber against friction. It is important to know that hip osteoarthritis can manifest itself in two different forms:

  • The primary form, especially because of the effects of time. It usually appears between the ages of 60 and 65.
  • The secondary form which is caused by local problems and joint problems, due to dislocations, malnutrition or bone problems. In this case, it is possible to suffer from it from the age of 30-35.

We will also see what are the causes of this painful pathology:

  • Traumatic causes:  dislocations, lesions or poorly treated diseases that can directly cause wear to the hip.
  • Vascular origin : vascular insufficiency is a disease to be taken into account. It is usually explained by chronic diseases that can degenerate into osteoarthritis or dislocations. But their origin is vascular.
  • Congenital factors: Many children are born with congenital problems, such as hip dysplasia, growth problems, and other types of problems.
  • Skeletal imbalance:  it is something frequent, we can suffer from dysmetria, that is to say an unequal length of our lower limbs, which leads to several types of pathology.

Symptoms of hip osteoarthritis

Hip bones

  • Obviously, the first symptom of an arthritis problem is pain.  But, many people think that the pain is localized only in the hip, while the main area of ​​pain is in the groin area.

It can extend to the anterior part of the thigh, sometimes reaching the knee and radiating to the buttock.

  • A cracking sound may be felt when performing certain movements.
  • If it’s your hip that’s causing you pain, it could be a muscle problem. But, if the pain is localized to the groin, it is due to wear and tear on the hip.
  • In the early stages of the disease, it is quite mild and manifests itself only with intense exertion. After a long walk for example, or after a run or even carrying heavy objects. Once at rest, the pain begins to manifest itself.
  • Then, as the disease progresses, the pain manifests itself more violently and causes pain especially when climbing the stairs.

As you cross your legs, you will feel these characteristic crunches that are so painful. When you sleep, other pains appear when you move around in bed. Like a kind of burn in the groin.

How to prevent osteoarthritis of the hip?


If you are suffering from hip wear, you will need to adapt your life to this reality. Indeed, there is no solution to eradicate it.

You should strive to eat a balanced diet, in which no nutrients are missing. But also to do very light exercises to improve your mobility without making you suffer.

You will have to follow the medical prescriptions without abusing anti-inflammatory drugs or sedatives. These can damage your liver in the long run.

You can also prevent osteoarthritis of the hip if you don’t have it now. So, if you have a few mild symptoms, these few tips are worth considering.


  • Always maintain a balanced weight. 
  • Do small , simple exercises daily that force you to move your hips, such as walking, running, or swimming.
  • Increase your intake of vitamins C, A, and D, which help you synthesize collagen. Citrus fruits, mango, pineapple, carrots, melons, strawberries can do you good. Vegetables such as crucifers, artichokes or even garlic are ideal for reducing inflammation of the joints.
  • Gelatin is also great for restoring cartilage,  because if bone does not regenerate, cartilage does.  
  • Do not hesitate to take magnesium supplements,  it is one of the basic elements of your joint health and more generally of your well-being. Consult your natural store or doctor to find these supplements.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day. It is essential to keep yourself hydrated, as this helps keep the joints fluid and nourishes the cartilage. It is worth remembering this.
  • Some people also use vitamin supplements like glucosamine sulfate, which is  very suitable for hip wear. It is indeed a natural way to strengthen this part of our body, as well as bones and cartilage in general. Consult your doctor for all its benefits.

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