Tea Tree Oil: 5 Benefits

To apply tea tree oil to the skin without the risk of allergic reactions, it is preferable to dilute it in advance in l ‘water.

Tea tree oil has been used since ancient times to treat skin problems. However, its medicinal applications go far beyond.

It first began to be used in Australia, thanks to the distillation of the leaves of a tree called Melaleuca Alternifolia . Indigenous Australians have always used it to treat various ailments, both skin and respiratory, such as colds and allergies.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the world of aromatherapy, often use this oil thanks to its multiple qualities.

It smells good, it can be found in any natural store, and it is not very expensive. Above all, it offers us incredible results for treating very common ailments. In this article, we offer you a series of daily apps that you will find very useful.

1. Tea tree oil helps us cure acne

To do away with acne and blackheads, one can use tea tree oil. Its anti-bacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties are ideal for this so common skin problem.

However, be aware that this pure oil should not be applied to the skin. It must be diluted at all costs.

Instructions for use and application


  • 1 drop of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of water
  • 5 drops of witch hazel

How to use it ?

  • Apply this simple and effective mixture with a cotton swab twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed.
  • After a week, you will see that you will have positive results.

2. Tea tree oil weakens the dry cuticles of your nails.

Nail cuticles

Tea tree oil has many cosmetic applications. One of them is to weaken the damaged cuticles of the nails.

It will also help you treat yeast infections.

Instructions for use and application

  • To perform your manicure ritual, all you have to do is moisten a cotton ball and apply it to the cuticles. After a few minutes, you will see that you will be able to eliminate them more easily.
  • To fight against nail fungus, you can also put 5 drops of tea tree oil in your nail polish. Shake for a few seconds and apply to fingernails and toenails.

3. Tea tree oil to treat pityriasis

The pityriasis rosea is a skin disease that appears in the fall and spring. Its development begins with an initial lesion – in the form of plaques – and then, causing generalized erythematous and desquamative spots.

Its origin is infectious and treatment is limited, in many cases, to corticosteroids. Another way to slow down its progress and relieve its impact on the skin is by using tea tree oil.


  • The dosage of this type of oil should always be more or less than 5% of the amount of water. So, for example, you can prepare a bottle with half a glass of water (100 ml) and add a teaspoon (5 ml) of tea tree oil.
  • To apply it in case of pityriasis, it is best to wash the affected area beforehand. Then do a small enema with this mixture every day.

Little by little, you will see the results.

4. Tea tree oil, an effective oil for treating athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is caused by a specific type of fungus. Dermatophytes thrive in humid, warm places, and live in dead skin tissue.

This infection is characterized by inflammation or peeling of the foot, both on the sides and on the finger area.

To treat athlete’s foot, one can use tea tree oil in order to curb the infection. We explain how.


  • Fill a tub with lukewarm water.
  • Add 10 drops of tea tree oil and 10 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Soak your feet in this remedy for 20 minutes and then wipe them carefully, not forgetting all the spaces between the toes.
  • Repeat this every day when you get home.

5. The best mosquito repellant

Mosquito repellent lotions

This remedy never fails. If you live in an area where there is humidity, the risk of mosquitoes is great. As you know, there is no enemy more voracious than this insect which transmits so many diseases to us.

Since sometimes environmental repellants or the right clothing aren’t enough, make your own mosquito repellant with tea tree oil. It is a very effective and economical repellent, which it is always good to have at home.


  • 5 tablespoons of water (50 ml)
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil or lemon


  • For this remedy, get a bottle with a diffuser.
  • Then apply the mixture to the skin every night before going to bed.

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