The 5 Biggest Regrets Of Human Beings Before Dying

It is sad to think that we will have regrets when our last moments come.

Change the way you think and act, be proud of yourself, and don’t worry too much about how others look.

We often sacrifice our present to prepare for our future.

This is the main reason that one day we will realize that we are wasting our time worrying about “ if ever ” or “ I must do this to prepare for my future ”.

This is a very high price that we have to pay with monkey money.

Not focusing on our present means destroying our future. Especially when we take into account that we have no way of predicting what will happen to us.

Most people ask these questions once it’s too late. Once their life has already fallen into chaos and they have to deal with dramatic situations with very outdated weapons.

Some time ago, Bronnie Ware, a nurse who dedicated her life to caring for terminally ill people, revealed to us in an unprecedented way the 5 thoughts, reflections or regrets most often expressed by the patients she treated, just before their death.

Knowing this information will help you think about how human beings can value what they are about to lose, and their immense capacity to repent. 

What is truly surprising, however, is the opportunity for growth that we all enjoy moments before our last breath. 

Being aware of all of this can leave you with a bittersweet flavor in your mouth. An impression full of hope on the faculty that we have to always move forward in life. A feeling of sadness caused by the inevitability of our destiny as well.

We will reveal below the 5 most common regrets that humans express when they die.

1. “I would have liked to have had the strength to live on my own, and not worry about what others expected of me” 

Being yourself in a world of appearances is very complicated.

If we reflect on how little time we dedicate to knowing ourselves, it is possible that a great feeling of torpor will invade us.

This thought pursues us all life, but we dare not let it go out of our mind.

We repress it because we have organized ourselves for life to pass. So that we can continue quietly to carry out the plans that we had planned and which give us a feeling of security.

According to Bonnie Ware, this regret is the one expressed most often at the time of the final farewells.

The vast majority of us have unfulfilled dreams, unattainable desires and battles to fight that we consider lost in advance.

Do we have the power to change that? The answer is obviously positive.

2. “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard” 

The hellish pace of modern life, the stress, the need to work to earn the money we spend so quickly, which we use to pay off our debts or have the car we want, make us regret many things when of our last moments.

We live to work, when we should work to live. 

It may sound quite idealistic. However, it would be much better if we could work without ever suffering, being passionate about all the things we do. 

Work would then not cause us so many problems. It would not be an obstacle to enjoy the pleasures of life.

It would be better, for example, to spend more time with the people who are dear to us.

This suggests to us that it is high time to simplify our lifestyles, and to be happy with what we have.

This change will help us not to have too many regrets when we leave the human world.

3. “I should have taken the time to express my feelings” 

To be at peace with yourself, you have to let out what you feel inside.

How much do we lose because we are afraid to leave our comfort zone?

How many words have we not said simply out of fear, pride or over-caution?

It is not good, or even responsible, to keep all the feelings that we feel inside us. We were born to express ourselves, it is high time to do so. 

4. “I wish I hadn’t lost sight of my friends”

Lack of time, conflict, and life changes sometimes cause us to distance ourselves from our closest friends. The daily life we ​​lead does not make things easier for us.

Having friends, and keeping them, is a very complicated task. Above all, however, we must not give it up. 

It is very common that when we leave, we think of all those moments that we did not spend with our friends, because we were too busy with tasks that were often unpleasant.

Some people keep our friendship and affection forever. We must therefore take advantage of their presence as long as we can. 

5. “I would have liked to be happier”

In the relentless pursuit of happiness, we end up hating the path we take.

We think that our happiness depends on our successes, but we do not realize that being happy is not obtained by arriving somewhere, because it is above all an attitude, a way of living.

In the moments leading up to the passing of a human being, he often realizes that the key to happiness lies in the difficult decisions that must be taken on a daily basis, and which allow us to live a fuller, more fulfilling life. exhilarating. 

The writings of Bronnie Ware may invite you to an interesting reflection on the subject: 

“People mature a lot when they face their own mortality. I have learned to never underestimate the ability of people to mature. Some changes can be phenomenal. 

Each of us experiences a variety of emotions, as one can guess: denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial, then finally, acceptance. Each patient finds peace before leaving ”. 

These words convey a lot of hope and serenity in the face of death.

Thinking that we come to conceive and come to terms with our own departure leads us to only one possible conclusion: the process of accepting life is necessary to be at peace. 

Life is not what we conceive, or what we imagine. This is what is happening right now, here and now, while we are often trying to let go of our past, or to predict our future. 

We need to stop worrying about all these things that pollute our minds, and focus more on our present, as well as the role we play in our daily lives.

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