The Best Green Juices For Burning Fat And Controlling Anxiety

The ingredients in these green juices help us to feel full and not to ingest too many calories, which in turn burns fat. fat more easily.

One of the keys to losing weight, reducing eating disorders and also controlling anxiety is knowing how to combine the properties and nutrients of foods.

Considering this principle, many weight loss diets contain green juices. These help us to burn fat and also to control our anxiety.

These are drinks made from fruits and vegetables. They have a high content of chlorophyll and antioxidants, which support digestion and also facilitate the elimination of waste to optimize the functioning of the body.

In recent years, these juices have gained popularity in many places around the world.

To lose weight and control your anxiety, you have to put in place several habits. This is why it is excellent to consume these juices to obtain good results.

Would you like to learn how to prepare them? Discover these green juices!

Kiwi, spinach and salad juice

Green vegetables are the main ingredients of this natural drink with fat-burning properties.

Both spinach and salad provide a substance called chlorophyll. This improves metabolic efficiency in order to lose weight more easily.

Associated with kiwi, they also provide a large amount of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. They also protect the body and therefore stimulate its cleansing for better results. Kiwi fruit also helps control anxiety.


  • 1 kiwi
  • 5 spinach leaves
  • 3 salad leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of pure honey (25 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Wash, peel and cut all the ingredients first. Then incorporate them into the blender, then blend until a homogeneous juice is obtained.
  • Finally, sweeten with honey and serve immediately.

Consumption method

  • Drink this juice at least 3 times a week, preferably on an empty stomach.

Parsley, celery, apple and spinach juice to control anxiety

Thus, the ingredients used in this natural drink are very low in calories. But also rich in essential nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins C and B6
  • Fibers
  • Folic acid
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Antioxidants

This juice is excellent for burning fat and controlling anxiety. It also generates a feeling of satiety which prevents excessive intake of calories.


  • 1 lemon with its skin
  • ½ cup of parsley (23 g)
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 5 spinach leaves
  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 apple with the skin


  • Wash, disinfect and cut first the apple and then the cucumber.
  • Then squeeze the lemon and keep its skin.
  • Finally, mix all the ingredients in the blender and mix until a homogeneous juice is obtained.

Consumption method

  • Drink a glass on an empty stomach for 10 days in a row.
  • Then rest for 20 days and start again.

Cardes, cucumber and green apple juice

Thus, carders provide the body with large amounts of phytonutrients that help prevent disease.

Their antioxidant properties slow down oxidative damage caused by free radicals. They also stimulate the elimination of toxic substances accumulated in the body.

Associated with cucumber and green apple, cardes make it possible to create a natural juice with slimming properties. This juice is therefore ideal for increasing the rate of metabolism and reducing the feeling of hunger.

This juice also has a diuretic effect. It is also perfect for people who suffer from water retention.


  • A quarter of a carder plant
  • ¼ cucumber
  • A quarter of a green apple
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash all the ingredients and cut them into small pieces to make it easier to prepare the juice.
  • Put everything in the blender for a few minutes to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Consumption method

  • Drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Consume this juice for two weeks in a row. Then rest your body for a week and start again.

Cucumber, celery and orange juice

The mixture of cucumber, celery and orange, forms a drink with powerful detoxifying effects, which promotes the elimination of waste in the body.

Since it is low in calories and high in fiber and antioxidants, regular consumption of this drink supports metabolic processes for weight loss and also to control blood sugar levels.

It is a great option for calming hunger during times of anxiety. Indeed, it satiates and also reduces the desire to eat fatty and sweet foods.


  • ¼ cucumber
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • ¼ orange
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • First cut the cucumber and then squeeze the juice from the orange.
  • Pour everything into the blender, then add half a glass of water and the stalk of celery.
  • Finally, mix quickly for a few minutes and then check that there are no lumps left.

Way of consuming

  • To lose weight, take a drink on an empty stomach every day.
  • You must consume it for at least one month in a row to notice results.


All of these drinks should be considered as supplements to the diet. Thus, they should not replace the main dishes.

The results vary according to the person, according to the efforts and the desire to lose weight of each one. However, keep in mind that with consistency and also with the patient, anything is possible!

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