The Best Ways To Store Aloe Vera Gel

When we use aloe vera gel from a house plant, there is often some left over and we don’t know what to do with it . Did you know that you can keep it without losing its properties? Take note.

The aloe vera plant has been one of the most valued plants in recent years. Indeed, its properties have been shown to be very useful in alternative medicine and beauty. It is also possible to store aloe vera gel in several possible ways.

The gel it contains inside its leaves contain essential nutrients that provide us with benefits both internally and externally.

In fact, many companies in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry use its extracts as active ingredients in their products.

However, most people prefer to use it in natural form because they consider it the best way to take advantage of each of its properties.

It should be noted that the great disadvantage of aloe vera is that there is always gel left in large quantities, which encourages waste.

In this article, we are going to share with you several very interesting conservation methods. Thus, we can keep the aloe vera gel for a longer time. Let’s go !

How to store aloe vera gel with bee honey

Aloe vera leaf and honey

Thanks to its high content of natural sugars, honey is an excellent product. Indeed, its preservative power is explained by its low water concentration, which allows to keep sweets or fruits in syrup.

Here you can use it without any problem since it is compatible with the composition of the aloe vera gel and its subsequent purposes.

How to do ?

  • After extracting the gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaf, wash it to remove this yellowish material that comes out of it.
  • Then cut the gel and mix it in equal doses with the pure bee honey.
  • Finally, use this product for the preparation of smoothies, teas and masks, among others.

Freezing method to store aloe vera gel

Freezing to keep the aloe vera gel

Freezing is a very interesting method of keeping aloe vera gel for a long time. That is to say, we will keep a large part of its properties active. In addition, we can count on a natural first aid remedy.

How to do ?

  • First of all, you will need to choose an aloe vera stem. The one you like.
  • Then, using a sharp knife, cut the outer skin of the leaf, taking care not to cut yourself on contact with the thorns.
  • After removing the outer part, remove the gelatinous pulp with a spoonful and place it in an ice cube container.
  • As this is a very “multi-purpose” gel, you can arrange it with your fingers so that it takes the shape of the container.
  • When you’re done, put it all in the freezer and grab it whenever you need it.


  • To stimulate the effects of the gel and its preservation, add the juice of half a lemon to the ice cube container, putting a little juice in each small container.
  • You can also add a vitamin E capsule to the pulp, especially if you plan to use it to treat skin, hair, or nails.

Vitamin C method to preserve aloe vera gel

By adding a good amount of vitamin C to the aloe vera pulp, you will be able to keep the aloe vera gel for a month in the refrigerator.

In addition, vitamin C helps stimulate its antioxidant and regenerative effects.

How to do ?

  • First cut the aloe vera stem on both sides: the tip and the part of the thorns.
  • Then soak it for 24 hours and change the water twice during this time.
  • During this process, a resin called aloin will be removed. This can in fact be toxic and irritating to the skin.
  • When you have eliminated all of the aloin, extract the gel with a spoon.
  • Put the ingredient from the glass into the blender, add a vitamin C lozenge and a spoonful of wheat germ oil.
  • Mix everything for a few seconds and pour the juice into a glass container.
  • At first, there is a lather on the top of the product, but it wears off within a few days.
  • Close the container and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Use a small amount to craft your remedies.

As you can see with these three suggestions, it is very easy to store the aloe vera gel that you are not going to use immediately. 

Put these tips into practice now and stop wasting this wonderful plant!

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